Balan sings

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Balan smiles but he suddenly starts to feel empty inside as he could feel his heart aching

Malikai: Balan? Are you okay?

Balan- I--Im fine. I just need to take a walk. I'll be back.

Balan then walks out the door as Malikai , Savy , Issac, Tops , Arabella , and Tigs follow him before they hear another knock on the door

Tina- I'll get it.

The door opens and reveals a gorgeous purple and white female weaswl wearing the same hat , long braided hair , a brown crop top , and brown high heeled boots.

Arabella stops for a moment and looks.

Arabella- Ooh !

Ludel: Oh hello, you must be Nic.

Nic- Yep ! Nicolette Weasel !

Morty: Pleased to meet you, sister in law.

Nic- Thanks. So where's my lil twin brother ?

Nack comes crossing his arms: Hello sis....

Nic- Brotha !

Nic hugs him tight

Nack: Oh!

Nic- Oh I missed you so much !

Nack: I guess....

Nic- Look Im sorry about before. I didn't mean to make you feel bsd

Nack: I wanted to be great just like you.

Nic- Nack, you are great. In your own way. Like how Im great in my own way. I mean I heard about all the adventures youve been on. Like that one in Horrorland. Those were all amazing !

Nack is surprised: Really?

Nic- Of course ! And to be honest , I was jealous of you

Nack: You are?

Nic- Yeah! I mean you have a crazy fun loving but a caring wife, kids , a family , and friends. Im always stuck with missions

Nack smiles: Awesome.

Fangy and his siblings crawled to her*

Nic looks down and picks them up.

Nic- Ello. You must be my nephews and nieces

Screwball coos*

Nic giggles and hugs them.

Nic- You all are so cute.

Pentol- Hey where is Balan ?

Jason- And our bros ?

Walking on the sidewalk , Balan could fee the lonely heart ache in his chest.

Malikai and the others watched*

Arabella- What's wromg with Balan bros ?

Tigs: I'm not sure.

Malikai: He did say too much positive will make him negative.

Winter came: Cousins!

Malikai- Winter! Yes we are trying to see Whats wrong with Balan ?

Winter- I have some exciting news to tell you !

Tops: What is it?

Winter-( Smiles ) Im pregnant with Toffee's baby

Issac: Awesome!

Arabella- You want to come with us?

Savy- We are trying to find out what's wrong with Balan.

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