Dark Matter meets Lance

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In Dark Matter's lair...

Dark Matter holds Cyborea: Just 2 more episodes until season finale.

EnEmE: Good, that way I'll be back to being evil leader again.

Mordred- Father how many brothers do you have ?

EnEmE: Four.

Mordred- Okay. We have Bill, God, James amd who is the fourth ome

EnEmE: That's a surprise for season 8, I'm not spoiling it.

The babies get into the cookies

Mordred: Malachite!

The babies stopped and looked

Dellar: Oops.

The babies then prepared to cry

Delirium: No no no no, don't cry, you can have the cookies.

The babies cooed and continue eating before Delirium feels someone slap his rear

Delirium: Oh!

Verosika giggles

Delirium kisses her*

Verosika- Mmm~

???- Hello uncle...

They looked*

They see a handsome dark humaoid in dark purple attire and has black tendril hair and slikes.

EnEmE: Oh, hello nephew.

Lance walks over to hm

Erazor: Who is this?

EnEmE: Dazzling's, this is your brother.

Lance- Hello. Im Lance

Sonata: What?!

Lance- It's true. The oldest actually

Mordred: Okay I'm so confused.

EnEmE- He is my one brother's son

Snide: Cool.

EnEmE- He also has another brother. The second oldest

Turkie: Whoa.

EnEmE- He and his brother Balan's names fuse into Balance

Grievous: Interesting.

EnEmE- Balan repreents Positivity and Lane prepreents Negativity. He and his brother are living balances of emotion

Leucosia: Cool.

EnEmE- Too much positivity , Balan turns negatice , too much negativity for Lance he turns positive

Turkie: Well don't be too much negativity, try to relax cousin.

Lance takes a deep.breath and calms dowm as he turns into hi human form

They are shocked*

All: Whaaaaaaaa?!

EnEmE- Lance is born both human and humanoid.

Mordred: Okay this is blowing my mind.

EnEmE- I bet you don't even know how old he is

Dark Matter: 3,000?

EnEmE- Him and Balan are

Dark Matter: I see.

Mordred: Try to be less negative cousin, we'll help you.

Lance: Okay.

Meanwhile with the Stray cats*

Claw grabs some parts: I can't believe Hook Fang made us get some parts.

Scratch- I also heard there os a new toon in towm

Copy cat: Me too.

???- Hello.

The cats looked*

They see Falke walking up to them

Copy cat: A wolf? Seriously?

Falke- Yeah and youre a pussycat

Copy Cat: What did you call me?!

Claw: Cool it Copy Cat.

Falke- Listen. I need to ask you a favor.

Claw: Yes?

Falke- I'm after a pretty female nightmaren. And I'm gonna need your help to ditract the heroes

Copy Cat: Okay, we're just giving these parts to Hook Fang.

Falke- Okay. I'll be waiting right here.

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