Nights kidnapped

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Back with nights , Nights walks in the forest by herself.

Nights- Oh Balan. My dear sweet Balan.... Maybe Im not just cut out to be with him....

Nights sighs and dances gracefully as she walks.

Nights-I sense there's something in the wind

That feels like tragedy's at hand

And though I'd like to stand by him

Can't shake this feeling that I have

The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him

And will he see how much he means to me

I think it's not to be....

Nights looks at the sky*

Nights-What will become of my dear friend

Where will his actions lead us then

Although I'd like to join the crowd

In their enthusiastic cloud...

A small bluebird chirps sweetly and lands on her finger.

Nights-Try as I may, it doesn't last

Nights sits dowm by the river and lools at her reflection and gently touches the water with her fingertips.

And will we ever end up together

No, I think not, it's never to become

For I am not the one.....

Nights sighs sadly.

Back with the heroes....

???- Well well well...

T-Bone looked*

Balan looked as well as they see the mutants

Albert: Not them again!

Jab: Well if it isn't the seal mutants.

Haxx: Where's our old friend Dr. Piranoid?

Slash- You mean Iguanoid ? The one you tricked into mutating him into an iguana ?

Spittor: Ooh, is it our fault?

Slash- Uh yeah. You tricked him into turning him.into an iguana when you pomised him turned into a raptor

Haxx: Oops, my bad.

Balan- Do you know these negatives ?

T-Bone: Yeah, they're working for Tride. Well Tride is gone anyway.

Monstro sees Lolita: Hey babe.

Lolita blushes pink as she looks at him.

Lolita- H--hi Momstro

Copy Cat: Tride may be gone, but Hook Fang is now in charge.

Snangler: Oh hell no!

Balan- I domt know who he is but I dont care !

Spino: How dare you insult Tride!

Balan- I maybe charaismatic but that doesnt stop me from being a one liner

Dracorex: Let's attack them guys!

Balam- Im going to enjoy this.

T Bone- Let's Jurassicate them !

Sugar Tooth: Let's bite them!

The mutants go ahead and attack one another but Momstro stops and sees Lolita as she looks at him

Monstro gave her flowers*

Lolita- Oh. Thank you. How are you ?

Monstro: I'm doing good.

Whalewolf: You! Stay away from my wife!

Lolita- Whalewolf it's okay !

Whalewolf: Why?

Lolita- When he kidnapped me... He didnt hurt or tried to lust me

Whalewolf: What?!

Monstro: I don't want to rush things.

Lolita- Its true. He's really caring

Whalewolf: Okay, but if you want to have love with my wife ask me first, I'll let you know when I'm in the good mood.

Monstro- I will.

Lolita smiles and kissed both og their cheeks.

Dracorex stops fighting and sees Jennifer

Dracorex: Hey babe.

Jennifer- Huh ?

Dracorex: Miss me?

Jennifer- I missed you

Dracorex kisses her cheek*

Jennofer smiled and giggles. Balan easily beats the other mutants.

Balan- Haha ! Take that , fiends !

Back in the forest , Nights sighs as she sits by herself

Nights sighs sadly*

Nights- I... I guess Im just not meant to be with someone after all...

Falke sees her, he smirks and covers her mouth*

Nights- Mmm !

Falke: Your going to marry me, and Balan won't save you.

Night tries to scream and break free

Falke went to signal his mutant friends*

Then the villains stopped and heard a whistle

Claw: Time to retreat guys!

Indominus: Good call!

Terrible: See ya later losers!

Lolita- Im guessing you gotta go too huh ?

Monstro: Yep

Lolita: I hope to see you again

Monstro: You too.

Lolita smiles and kisses his cheek before he leaves.

Balan- Well that was a handful

Dracorex kisses Jennifer's head and leaves*

Jennifer giggles and sighs dreamily.

Balan- Well we took care of them !

Savy came to them: Guys!

Balan- Savy !

Balan runs to her with Rime

Savy: There's a problem, I was looking for Nights when I saw this blue wolf captured her!

Balan- What ?!

Pentol: This was a distraction?!

Balan- Nights?! Oh , no ! I have to go save her !

Balan the runs off with the barking Rime running after him.

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