Lucianna and Fluffy's kids are born

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Meanwhile in Hell hospital*

Blitzo and Striker wait outside

Malikai reads the magazine*

An imp doctor comes out

Striker: Is Lucianna okay?

Doctor- Miss Lucianna is okay. She gave birth to a baby girl

Striker smiles: A girl?

Doctor- Would you like to come see them

Malikai: Yes please.

Doctor- Comw right in

They went in*

Stritzo is on Striker's head*

They see Lucianna holding a pink bundle

Striker: Hey darling, where's our lil girl?

Lucianna- Come see...

Striker got closer*

They see a cute baby pink succubus with blonde hair with her eyes closed as she coos

Striker gasped, Stritzo coos*

Lucianna smiles as the baby coos and chews on her fingers

Striker: What should we name her babe?

Lucianna- Hmm... How about Kate ?

Striker: I love that name.

Kate coos and opens her yellow and grewn eyes

Malikai: Awwww.

Stritzo coos and crawls to her*

Kate coos and crawls awsy

Stritzo hugs her*

Kate- Aba ?

Stritzo: Sis sis.

Kate- Gaba

Striker smiles*

Malikai got a call from Arabella: Yes sis?

Arabella- BROOOOOOOOO !!!

Malikai: Ouch! Sheesh my ear sis!

Arabella- Sorry puppy seal. Bro guess what ?

Malikai: What is it?

Arabella- Nack has a sister!

Malikai: What?!

Arabella- I know !

Malikai: So why are you telling me this?

Arabella- Bro she is coming over !

Malikai: When?

Arabella- Tomorrow

Malikai: Cool, okay I'll be home soon sis.

Back at Blitzo's home*

Fluffy licks her two newborn puppies*

Harold- Awww my puppies are so cute !

Fluffy: I know honey.

Aleera looks at the puppies along with Luna and her siblings*

Sapphie- I cant believe the three of us are sisters !

Peridot- Me too !

Prase- Me three !

Harold: I know girls, so what will you name them honey?

Fluffy- I'll name the doberman Axel and the labrador Honey.

Harold: Awwwww, say hi to your new siblings girls.

Prase- Awww ! They are so cute !

Peridot- The doberman is cool !

Sapphie: I know!

The pups whimpered*

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