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Midday came and she waited there by the beach. Hearing a clearing of the throat, she turned to find him standing behind her with a charming little smile. His hair had been piled up into a messy bun, a dark red stick of sorts holding it all together. He wore a dark navy dress, black pants peeking from underneath. The collars of the sleeves were a crisp white and it outlined his long body well. His eyes teased her as she drifted them down.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, voice deeply humored. She snapped her eyes back to his, the telltale sign of a blush warming her cheeks. Chuckling he came closer lifting her chin.

"You are so shy sometimes. Why? Do I make you nervous?" Sucking her teeth at him slightly, she reached up and tossed his hand away from her, lips pursed.

"No." But he just smiled and watched as she drew closer to the waves.

"I thought escaping here would be a better life for me. But it has only resulted in absolute hell."

"I feel the same way."

"How so?" His eyes no longer rested on her, instead they fell onto the slowly crashing waves ahead of them.

"I was promised a lot of things when I made the trip here. Land. Good pay. A wife." At that she was quiet, eyes following him as he started to walk towards the water shore.

"None of those things I received." Swallowing, she came to sit next to him, pulling her knees up against her chest.

"Instead, the men of this land have spit in my face, called me names that do not belong to me and have taken advantage of our need for a better life." Slowly, she leaned to the side, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder.

"You work so hard...just to be rewarded with hatred and discrimination." Still, she was quiet and he let out a frustrated breath.



"What is a yellow monkey?" Biting her lip, she could not answer. Reaching, she took a finger or two of his hand resting there on his leg.

"The same as a black one." She said quietly, giving his hand a squeeze.

"The same?" He genuinely sounded confused and it broke her heart.

"The white man calls my people monkeys too. They liken us to be savage beasts." He turned to look down at her, a solemn expression on his face.

"What's even worse...they think the women are wild sex crazed animals. They say it is in my nature." He didn't say anything, instead lifting his arm to pull her closer.

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