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She'd been watching him for the latter part of twenty minutes. He found it humorous that she had stood in the same spot, eyes on his every move. Donghai had commented on it with a grin but left it alone, stating that he had to go on a journey. No questions were asked and he would assume responsibility of his home while gone. Lifting up from picking a horse's hooves, he wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his arm. Turning, he found her standing there, eyes watching still. Clearing his throat, he grabbed the reins of the stallion and slowly approached her. She grew still as if someone had dumped icy water on her.

"Are you going to remain there?" He asked, a smirk forming. She at once dropped her gaze, finding her feet interesting.

"If you fear the horse, I am here to assure you. He won't hurt you." Licking her lips, she lifted those beautifully enchanting eyes of hers and met his gaze.

"Why?" His eyebrows knit together.


"Why did you save me?" His heart leapt in his chest at her sweet voice, thick with an accent like that of honey.

"Should I not have?" How quickly he answered, greedily wanting to hear another word come from her mouth.

"It wasn't your business." Lifting his eyebrows, he took her in.

"I see." Taking her eyes off of him, she eyed the horse.

"I thought your kind only worked on the railroads." He smirked again, leaning against the stable barrier.

"You thought wrong Miss." There a cute little nose scrunch and her lips pursed.

"How do you know English so well? I thought-"

"You do a lot of thinking don't you?" The purse on those delectable lips grew deeper.

"What's your name?" She asked, eyes leaving the horse now. Their eyes met again. Letting the reins to the horse go, he leaned forward a bit more.

"Jie." She was quiet and he could see she was trying to figure out how to pronounce it. She bravely attempted to repeat it.

"Jie..." There his heart went, beating faster.

"And yours?"

"Aur-I...I mean...Eminta. My birth name is Eminta." He smiled at her before pushing off of the barrier.

"Eminta. It's pretty."

"You think so?"

"Just like you." Though her cheeks blushed, that purse was back.

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