Part 14: A monster

Start from the beginning

"And all this time you let me vent about Damon?"

"I don't want to worry you?"

"Ok, well what did she want?" Elena asked. Rosa wasn't paying much attention. She didn't know much about Abby besides that fact that she's Bonnies trash bag mom or not so trash bag mom anymore. She wasn't sure if the current situation. She also learned that Esther was the original witch. Klaus's mother who created the vampire spell.

"She wanted to introduce herself. Abby and I helped bring her back. She's channeling our entire ancestral bloodline for power. I think she thought she was being polite." Bonnie told them.

"Ok, well, is there a way to stop her from channeling you?" Elena asked.

"Even if there was, why would I want that?"

"I just keep thinking...before the sun and moon ritual, Elijah found a way to keep me alive. And now I'm in exactly the same position and I'm just gonna let him die? It just doesn't feel right." Elena said. Rosa shrugged.

"They are thousand years old murderers. Their time has come." Rosa told them. Caroline then re-entered the room.

"Ok. First of all, this privacy spell is totally not working. Second. Elena, you are not doing this, Esther is doing this. Third. Rosa is definitely right."

"Thank you." Rosa said, but Elena rolled her eyes and frowned.

"There's not time to change your mind, Elena. He'll be dead by the end of the night." Bonnie told them. Rosa had a moment of realization. Tomorrow Klaus would be gone. The first guy to ever actually like her and she had no idea how to feel about him. She knew she had to hate him because he was a monster, but she also knew that some small part of her would miss him. Would miss the phone calls and the little compliments.

"What?" She heard Elena shout.

"It's a full moon. Esther needs to harness the energy of a celestial event. She asked me and Abby to join her."

Bonnie and Caroline had left a few hours ago. Rosa was watching Tv while Elena was doing her homework next to her. The only time they noticed each other was when Elena gave Rosa a questioning look each time her phone rang.

Rosa had been declining all phone calls that she didn't know the number. There was suddenly a knock at the door. Elena got up to go answer it.

Rosa couldn't exactly hear what they were talking about, but she did hear Elijah. Elijah wouldn't kill Rosa for Klaus would he. No. He was a good guy, that's all Elena ever says.

Rosa watched as Elena and Elijah lady together. She rolled her eyes and went back to watching her show. She assumed Elena would be fine.

Elena didn't come back after she left with Elijah. She tried calling a bunch of times and she couldn't figure out where she went. Neither Alaric, Stefan or Damon knew. Bonnie and Caroline had no idea either. She even called Matt. Nothing. That was until she got a call from Stefan.

Apparently Elijah basically kidnapped her and now Rebekah has her. Rosa was about to hang up the phone when she heard Damon's voice.

"I need you to go to the Grill." He said over the phone.

"No." Was her response.

"Rosa, just do it. We don't have time for arguing." He told her. Damon seemed stressed and definitely annoyed at Rosa.


"Because it will help get Elena back. Just stop being a baby and go. Now!" Rosa rolled her eyes and hung up the phone. She quickly changed into clothes that were more appealing than sweats and went to her car. Rosa was extra careful when walking to her car. She thought that maybe it was fine. Klaus wasn't that mad at her because she hasn't seen him yet.

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