“What are you a power ranger?” 

“Cute. Now whose being childish and acting like we’re on a playground.” 

“Look you end this thing with that other girl or I’ll tell Alyssa.” 

“I’m so scared. My girlfriend isn’t going to believe you. She hates you for those sick photos you took and wants nothing to do with you.” 

“I guess you and Alyssa aren’t a tight as I thought or as you try to make people think. I think I should tell you me and Alyssa had coffee together and are on speaking terms now.” 

“You’re lying Alyssa wouldn’t go anywhere with you. Not after what you did to her.” 

“Seems like she’s a lot more forgiving than you are. You know we had a very great time together and I think she could be coming around.” 

“You stay the hell away from her you hear me. You go anywhere near and I’ll make sure you lose your job.” 

“Empty threats from a cheating boyfriend I’m scared.” 

“Chad,” Alyssa said. 

I turned around and saw Alyssa walking up to Chad and I. Chad started smirking up a storm as Alyssa walked to him. This cocky boy wasn’t deserving of my Alyssa. Maybe he wasn’t cheating and I had just jumped to conclusions but I still didn’t like the guy simply because he had what I wanted, that being Alyssa.

“Hey baby,” Chad said. When Alyssa got to Chad he picked her up catching her off guard and literally put his tongue down her throat. I could see his hands moving down to Alyssa’s ass as he held her up to his body. 

I didn’t want to watch this. The sickest part about all this was that Alyssa didn’t seem to mind she was kissing the boy back with such passion you’d think they were alone in her bedroom. 

“I take it practice went well and you missed me,” Alyssa said once Chad took his lips off her for a second. 

“Yes practice went well and of course I missed you baby,” Chad said pecking Alyssa’s lips. 

“Babe put me down,” Alyssa said. 

“Just a second I want one more kiss,” Chad said. Chad again put his tongue down Alyssa’s throat. I heard a soft moan come out of Alyssa’s mouth as Chad began to pull away from her and put her down. 

“Can I sleep over tonight,” Chad asked. He had his arms around Alyssa’s waist and I could see his hands resting on her ass. This guy just wanted to feel her up in front of me for the hell of it. 

“Why are you asking you know you can when ever you want,” Alyssa said. 

“Ok well I want to. Come on I need to go get my stuff out of the gym then we can go. I think I’m going to need to take a shower when I get to your house,” Chad said.

“Maybe I’ll join you,” Alyssa said. 

“You should,” Chad said. He gave Alyssa another kiss and took her hand and began walking inside the gym.

“Oh yeah I forgot. Mr. Preston next time mind your own business,” Chad said. 

Alyssa looked at me confused then looked at Chad. Chad pecked her lips and then they went into the gym. That boy was good. Putting on that show in front of me then making me look like the bad guy once again in Alyssa’s eyes. I was just going to chalk this whole thing up to him being insecure and knowing I could easily take Alyssa away from him. Thinking this way was better for my ego after witnessing their little make out session. 

Alyssa P.O.V.

After Chad got his things we went to his car and he drove me home. I wanted to ask him about what he was talking about with Jake but when I walked up to him he was in a kissing mood and wanted to make out in the middle of the hallway. I did object even though Jake was standing near by, only because I loved my boyfriend and didn’t mind showing it from time to time with some pda. 

“Babe what were you talking to Jake about?” I asked. 

“Nothing important he saw me talking to a girl and jumped to the conclusion that I was cheating on you. Then he went on to tell me that you and him had coffee together,” Chad said. 

“Why did Jake care about you talking to some girl. How could he think talking lead to cheating?” 

“I don’t know the man is weird and has a few screws loose. But why didn’t you tell me you had coffee with him.” 

“It just happened and I didn’t get around to tell you. Jake apologized and assured me that he wasn’t going to cause anymore problems.” 

“That’s all good and well but I don’t think you should trust him. Baby you know what he’s capable of.” 

“Yeah I know I just don’t want any drama with him. He is our teacher so we should be able to stomach each other at least, even if we have a rocky history.” 

“Baby you’re too trusting. That’s why you get hurt.” 

“Chad he hasn’t done anything lately so can we just drop it.” 

“Fine but be careful.” 

“I will.” 

After Chad got to my house we showered and got changed into comfy cloths. We cuddled up in my bed and watched some movies because we had nothing else better to do. I was happy just having a movie night with my guy. We decided to watch all scary movies because they were our favorite type of movies to watch. Whenever I got scared Chad would hold me tight while I buried my head into his chest. He would laugh as I did this because he never found any of the scary movies scary. Somewhere around movie number four I got sleepy and just fell asleep in Chad’s arms. I was glad the night had turned out peaceful for us. 

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)Where stories live. Discover now