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9 months later
Marinette was still in coma damian used to spend went back to his regular shecdule work eat and spend time with family and marinette  and sleep
It was his birthday today
Damian sat next to marinette and aaid
Angel today is my birthday it was supposed to be my first birthday after our marriage it has been 9 months angel please wake up i miss you alot
Tikki said that you have started sbowing positive signs of waking up i hope you wake up soon everyone are sad .you knew thos would happen yet you did this i hate you angel . I hate you alot .
Tears flowed down Damian eyes
Thats when he heard a small voice
Ma: hate is strong word demon
Damian saw marinette speaking she had her eyes half opened
Ma: you didnot even let me sleep peacefully only thing was blood to come out of my ears
Damian kissed her fore head
Da: you slept for way too long angel
Ma: i only slept for 9 months akki when you are in magical coma it minimum atleast 2 years asleep
Da: you
Ma: sorry for the late wish happy birthday akki
Da: where is my gift
Ma: later it has been too long since i saw anyone where are everyone
Da: they are all at work it is 2 o clock pm so they might not be home until 9 o click
Ma: i need to speak to the kwamis where are they
Da: in the miraculous box
Ma: now i need to complete all the pending work in the office 9 months do you realize how many paper work will be there i know my assistant would have put the news up that i am in either   not well or i met with a accident
Da: why why did i marry a workaholic why mother couldn't you find someone who isn't workaholic .....
Marinette pecked  him on the lips
Ma(jokingly): you know what i maybe a workaholic but i still love my husband maybe my husband hates so i better shift back to my house /i should have die........
Damian placed a kiss on her lips and stopped her from speaking
Da: never ever say that angel
He sat back in his place when the door broke open
Ma: oh hello good afternoon bruce tim Jason grayson mari kori diana clark lois jon Arthur
Br: so you are finally awake huh
Diana came near her and bonked on her head
Ma: ouch what was that for
Di: do even realize what that spell could have costed
Ma: but that was the only way you can stepphen wolf and that bastard soul needed to rest in hell also
Di: you must be the first weilder ever to possible use this spell
Ma: yepp i have tried this once before but that time i used mullo and multipled myself
All of them gave marinette a hug and spoke with her for sometime and left
When she tried to walk she almost  feel down before she could kiss the floor damian caught her
Damian laid her on her bed and said
Da: you are not moving from this bed and as for your paper work your assistant completed it.
Ma: but
Damian glared at her which made her shut up and lay back on the bed
Damian kissed her forehead
Da: i love you angel
Ma: i love you too my demon

THE END ....

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