chapter 3

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The next day marinette shifted to Wayne's manor when she meet Alfred his aura had faint tint of dussu and nooro 's energy she went to her and started unpacking she opened the miraculous box all the kwamis came out and hugged marinette
Marinette dress

The next day marinette shifted to Wayne's manor when she meet Alfred his aura had faint tint of dussu and nooro 's energy she went to her and started unpacking she opened the miraculous box all the kwamis came out and hugged marinette Marinette dress

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Ma: nooro dussu i want to talk to you both

No: yes marinette

Ma: do you know anyone by the name Alfred pennyworth

Dy: yes he was our previous miraculous holder he and master fu were best friends

Ma: i see do you want to spend sometime with him

Both: yes marinette

She grabbed both the broches and went down to see alfread in the kitchen

Ma: hello Alfred

Al: hello miss marinette

Ma: please stop calling me miss just call me by my name

Al: not possible miss marinette

Ma: now i know were nooro and dussu got the habit of calling miss or master

Alfred dropped the plate when he heard both the names everyone in the manor came running to the kitchen only to see a shocked alfred and a neutral marinette

Br: what happened alfred

Al: nothing master bruce the plate slipped from my hands that 's it you people can go

Everyone sighed and left Marinette took out the 2 broches from her pocket and gave it to alfred

Ma: it will be nice to see nooro and dussu happy and master fu died 7 years ago i am the new guardian

Al: thank you miss marinette for trusting me with them

Ma: i donot trust anyone in this manor i gave you the miraculous because norro and dussu wanted to be with you

Marinette left the kitchen she went to her room and arranged everything she opened a small box filled with medicine

She kept it in the drawer she took her sleeping pills and layed down on her bed and waited for the medicine to start taking over her she slowly let darkness consume her

With the bat fam

Ti: bruce what did you do to her that she hates you so much

Br: i never did anything

Ja: without reason why would a person be angry at you

Di: what jason said was true

Br: maybe she misunderstood me for someone else

Da: tt no father she didnot when i contacted you she heard our conversation she hates batman not bruce wayne

Ti: i tried finding about her but I could not get a single detail about her

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