H: Josie?
J: Mhm.
H: I'm sorry. I didn't know she came back. I had no idea.

I kept rambling and Josie looked at me and just listened. I stopped every now and then to catch my breathe. After awhile she interrupted my rambling with a kiss.

J: You were rambling.
H: Sorry.
J: It's fine. I understand Hope. You didn't know she was coming. I need to get to class though.
H: Class isn't until like 25 minutes.
J: Early class.
H: I know your schedule Jo. I walked you to class every single day until today.
J: Maybe I switched classes.
H: You didn't because you love all your classes. So what's going on?
J: Do you think Maya will end up breaking us up by any chance?
H: It could be a possibility but I'm not gonna allow it to happen. I'm not leaving your side.
J: What if she ends up-
H: Don't worry about all of that. I'm not leaving and I'm not going to allow some past girl get in the way of us. Okay?
J: Okay, I don't want to go back to lunch.
H: That's okay, we won't. Empty classroom, like old times?

Josie lets out a giggle and smiled. I gave her a small smile.

J: I'd love to go to a empty classroom with you.

I held out my hand and she took it. We walked to an empty classroom and talked. She told me what was wrong in the morning. Saying how her mom was drunk and what not. I listened very intently. She looked down and I stopped walking, making her stop walking.

H: Whatever is going on with your mom right now, she'll be okay. You'll be okay. Lizzie will be okay. You guys will get through this. Your mom seems like one strong lady.
J: Mhm, thank you for listening Hope.
H: No problem.

We walked into the empty classroom and just talked some more.

-Back at Lunch-

Cleo's POV
Hope ran off to go to Josie. Maya seemed devastated to hear about Hope moving on. Everyone seemed shocked. Landon, Mg and Lizzie all sat there. Maya and me made eye contact.

Ma: She's joking right?
Cl: I'm sorry Maya but she's not. She truly did move on. She's already moved on before you left.
Ma: Did I mean anything to her?
La: You were just a hook up Maya. You can't truly say she was in love with you.
Ma: B-but me and her had something. I just know it.
Cl: I'm sorry but she didn't really feel anything for you.
Ma: I came back for her though.
La: Stop with the whiny bullshit. She truly didn't give a fuck about what happened between you two. She may have questioned it a couple times but you had to move. Simple as that.

I looked at Landon surprised. Lizzie and Mg went completely silent. They were basically dead at this point. Not really but it was just total silence.

Cl: Landon!
La: What? It's the truth. Maya fell in love with someone who only really used her for sex.
Cl: Landon! Not helping!
La: Maya just needs to move on.

Landon went back to eating his food. Everybody in the lunch room looked at our table. Landon was acting like a total dick.

Cl: He's just kidding guys, go back to eating.

Everyone went back to eating and I dragged Maya out of the lunchroom. Lizzie followed after me. Mg and Landon stayed in there spots.

Ma: So she's completely done with me?
L: Apparently so. I'm sorry you had to find out by him.
Ma: And you are?
L: Lizzie.
Ma: Lizzie?
L: Lizzie Saltzman.

Maya went completely blank. She also seemed very mad. Basically wanting to punch something or someone. Lizzie got punched and I looked at Maya.

Cl: What the hell?
Ma: Her sister stole Hope from me Cleo!
Cl: Not really, you left.
Ma: Where's Hope?
Cl: I don't know.

Walking Disaster- Hosie Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora