He had thought it an unspoken thing that she would just move in with him but after a semi-heated, annoyingly hot, conversation when Hotch found out she had moved into a hotel room instead, they came to the agreement that it was better for her to stay on her own with Florence in a hotel just in case the therapist ended up sending one of her patients to forcefully take back her dog.

Hotch tried to argue that it would be better for Cameron and Florence to be at his so he could protect them instead of her on her own in a hotel with limited employees and a lack of guests considering it was off-peak season.

Cameron argued that Jack lived there and she wouldn't let him or Hotch get hurt, this therapist did not seem like someone who was ethically against hurting a child as a bargaining chip since she seemed to use her dog to gaslight people into thinking they were hopeless in their recovery enough to get them to kill.

Eventually the heat between them got too much and the argument was put on hold when Cameron mumbled something, presumably a phrase of swear words calling him stubborn, in Russian and a spark took over Hotch- both of their clothes being thrown onto the floor of the briefing room late one evening within a matter of seconds, hours after the team had left for the day when Hotch dismissed them- all of them knowing an argument or disagreement was coming when Cameron revealed she was staying in a hotel, but none of them imagining they would be doing what they were doing now in the briefing room they all sat at everyday.

There was hushed giggles of amusement at the fact they were in a public federal building, albeit an empty building since it was so late but still.

There were moments, a lot of moments, of otherworldly gasps and gripping the back of the other's bare back lead on the hastily cleared dark oak table.

Sweet whispers of praise in each other's ears the entire time, kisses so soft in animist the intense passion, the careful touches of asking for permission that was still asked for and confirmed even with all of the trust automatically given.

That was the thing with them, they would always know that they came from the same place;


A love that burnt so intensely that it came out in all forms, including anger.

Cameron was someone who hated out right anger, she had grown to be terrified of it.

Hotch was someone who simply didn't have time for it, thought it unnecessary.

But something about seeing the other angry at them, knowing it came from a place of love always and never truly anger, turned out to be a massive turn on for both of them.

Suddenly the anger wasn't so scary to Cameron when it was coming from a man she knew would never hurt her, a man she knew wasn't really angry at her like people had been angry at her before, a man she knew cared about her.

Suddenly the anger wasn't boring to Hotch when it came from the sweetest woman he'd ever met, a woman he loved to see challenge him even from the very first day, a woman he sometimes liked to push just to see her push back and stand for herself, a woman he loved to see thrive without any fear.

"You're annoyingly good at that" Cameron chuckled as she pulled back on her dress, sat on the edge of the briefing room table a while later with a flustered grin hidden on her face.

"At what?" He prompted, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder before she tucked it under her bellowing sleeve of her pretty dark blue midi wrap dress- she had stopped trying to 'dress like a professional supervisor' and taken Peter's advice of merging her style with work, her style mostly winning other than the occasional blazer coat or work heeled boots paired with a dainty dress when she had important meetings with higher ups who were used to more beige and brown pantsuits than pretty pinafore dresses and embroidered blouses.

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