Chapter 79

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"I promise we will take Tae hyung back, baby. Everything is going to be fine..." Jungkook says as he sits next to Jimin. All preparation is done and they'll leave in five minutes.

Dark Phoenix's members are already in front of the mansion since they'll leave at 11 p.m. Jungkook comes to see Jimin for the last time before they leave and Jin will stay at home since someone needs to accompany Jimin.

When the time finally comes, they all depart from the mansion, heading to Taemin's base with mixed feelings.


"Do as the plan. Move!" Jungkook says as they are all connected to the earpieces and split into a few groups before moving to every corner of the place, surrounding the whole building just to prevent any of them from escaping.

Jungkook refuses to make so much effort dealing with Taemin's men so he put a silencer on his gold Beretta M9 and shot everyone who is on his way while walking into the building. The rest of them also did the same thing and they finally entered the building in no time.


Jungkook's mansion~

"Jimin? Omaigod... Where is he," Jin panics when he enters the room but Jimin is not on the bed. Just then he heard the ruffle sounds coming from the closet room making Jin quickly walk to the closet room with his gun in his hand as a precaution step and look into the closet room.

"Oh, lord..." Jin is surprised when he sees a man in the closet and more than surprised when that man turns around to face Jin.


"This is just an empty warehouse. I don't think this is Taemin's base. It looks like-," The light suddenly turns on all over the room, revealing Taemin at the opposite side where NamKookSope standing as he sits with his legs crossed on a big chair.

"...he's waiting for us," Yoongi continues his words in a low voice when Taemin looks at them with a smirk.

"Took you guys long enough... I feel so sleepy while waiting," Taemin says in a sarcastic tone while faking a yawn before he stands up and slowly walks closer to them.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook asks in a cold voice as his grip on his gun tightens.

"Relax... The party is just about to start," Taemin smirks as he stops walking and they are only a few meters apart.

"The party is about to start but no one invited me. Tch! That's rude," A sudden voice makes all of them surprised as they start looking all over the place to find where the voice comes from including Taemin.

They finally see someone dressed in all black, with black gloves on his hands and face covered with a black mask. The rooftop of the warehouse has decks around the building and that man literally sitting there while his legs dangling down.

"How is he even climbed up there?" Jungkook says slowly as their gazes are fixed on that man. They all look at that man taking out his grappling hook gun and shooting the hook to the ceiling before jumping without hesitation and landing gracefully before throwing the gun away.

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