#Chaotic Duo

755 53 47

[ June 26, 2021 | 8:45 am ]
at ITZY's Dorm


It's early in the morning and someone's bothering my sleep because my phone keeps on giving me notifications.

I groaned and didn't bother to check it because it's probably just spam.

A couple of seconds later, the ting sound stopped so I sighed of relief. But instead it was replaced by a ringing sound. Now someone's calling me.

I reached out to my phone that is buzzingly sitting on top of my bedside table. Good thing I have my own room in our dorm now or Yeji-unnie will kill me with this annoying phone.

I answered it with my eyes closed and didn't check who the caller id is. It's not like it's someone I don't know or something.

"What?" I lazily said.

"Shin Ryujin, it's already 8:45 and you are still asleep."

"Who is this?" I asked as I heard him got silent.

I removed the phone on my ear and finally checked the caller id.

"Oh, Beomgyu. What?" I put it in speaker phone and put the phone beside me.

"Why don't you check my messages?

"What is it?"

I heard him sigh as I saw my screen asking for a face time.

"Stop that." I declined it and pressed the red button. "I just woke up. I look like a mess."

He didn't listen and asked for another facetime.

I sighed and accepted it but faced the camera on the ceiling.

"What are you on? It's so early."

"Check my messages." I saw him put his camera on his face.

"I'm lazy just tell it to me now."

"O..kay. How do I start?" He pouted. "Okay. Okay."

"Beomgyu this better be more important than my sleep you interrupted." I warned.

"Show yourself first. Am I talking to a ceiling?" I heard him demand so I just turned the camera to me. It's just Beomgyu so whatever.

"You do look like a mess."

"Shut up." I chuckled.

"Okay, so...have you had breakfast?" He continued going out of the point.

"Bye, I'm ending this." I joked.

"No no, I don't know where to start." He faked cry.

I gave him a confused look and got out of my bed with my phone.

"Just start." I went out of my room to see that our living room was empty.

I furrowed my eyebrows and approached our fridge.

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