Nothing To Live For (Johnny Pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"I'm only doing this because I love you Y/n. You were always suppose to be mine, don't you get it?" he asked stepping closer. After 4 years I finally felt I was at my breaking point.

I threw the framed photo I was holding. "Don't you fucking get it? None of this shit is ever going to happen". I grabbed more photos and threw them across the room, the sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the house.

"Fuck you, Johnny. You ruined my damn life. You're a fucking monster, just leave me the fuck alone." I yelled throwing the last couple of pictures at him. He ran up to me and grabbed my arm tight.

"Stop making so much noise or I'll end it right here" he threatened. Stop making noise? That means someone could be close enough to hear me if I'm loud, I thought.

Johnny forced me to turn around. "Walk" he demanded. I did as I was told.

He led me to the basement of the house. I looked around and it, once again, looked normal. It was lived in, it had normal looking things in it that no one would question upon seeing it. We walked down another flight of stairs and there was a hallway with a door at the end. I stopped dead in my tracks, anything could be behind that door.

"What are you doing? Keep walking" Johnny said in my ear.

"You're going to have to kill me. You made it this far." I said.

"Y/n. Go" he said one last time.

I took a breath. "Please just kill me". I looked at Johnny and could see that seeing me scared was getting to him. Begging for my death, was killing him. If I, the person he gave up his life for, died he would have nothing to do, nothing to live for.

Johnny began dragging me by arm towards the door. I tried to become dead weight so it would hard but Johnny was stronger than me, it was no use.

We made it to the door. It had a thumb scanner, he unlocked it and opened the door. Johnny pushed me in and turned on the light. There were photos of me from wall to wall, photos of me from school, work, old ID pictures, new ones, my passport photos, some from my best friend's wedding. There were also maps that had locations circled, my emails that had certain parts highlighted and even my text messages.

"You're a lunatic Johnny Suh".

He smiled, "You haven't even seen the best part". He grabbed my arm and led me to another door. This one had two thumb scanners and one for his eye. Weirdo.

He opened the door and the lights automatically came on. This room was smaller and it seemed to hold significant things in it. There were pictures of my cat that passed away years ago, a wedding dressing, my favorite pair of underwear that I lost was on a mannequin and in the middle of the room was a ring sitting in a box.

Johnny came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"This is all for you, y/n. Don't you love it?". I slipped out of his arms.

"No I don't love this. I'd burn it down if I could.". Johnny walked to the ring and took it out it's box. He came up to me and got down on one knee.

"Y/n, will you marry me?" he asked as if he were sure I'd say yes.

"You can't be serious. Hell no."

"But look" he got up and walked over to the wedding dress. "I already have your dress picked out. You'll look beautiful in this, though you could pull off anything". As he shifted the dress for me to see I noticed something behind it, it was black.

"What is this?" I walked towards the dress and moved out my way, behind it was a framed photo of a sonogram. My eyes widened.

A couple of years ago I was pregnant. It was from a fling, my last fling, but I winded up losing it after I got in a car accident. The only people I told were my mom, Doyoung and Ten. How did he know? The text messages.

I ran out of the room and to the text messages on the wall. I read the highlighted messages and saw that they were the messages between Ten and I about my miscarriage. I didn't talk about it anymore, it hurt me too much to think about.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I felt my body get hot. I turned around and saw Johnny standing there, before I knew it my fist connected to his jaw. He fell to the ground, holding his cheek.

"You're a fucking monster Johnny. I should end you right here" I cried to him.

"Y/n I mourned the loss of our child too" he said. He really was unhinged, nothing I could say would help anymore. It would only backfire and add fuel to my furry.

I stood over top of him. "Johnny Suh, you're lucky I don't slip off this high heel shoe and gouge your eyes out." I kicked him in his stomach, he grunted.

"Don't you ever refer to MY child as ours. The day I have your child is the day I really die". I went to take the sonogram off the wall. This was the only one I had and I thought I had lost it forever, I was devastated. I held the photo to my chest and sobbed loudly, crouching to floor. Seeing this made me feel the hurt of that night all over again. Nothing Johnny did to me in the last 4 years compared to the suffering of this.

"Let's go". I looked up and saw Johnny with a hand out to me. I got up on my own.

I walked back out the way we came in, holding the photo tight to my body. We got to the car, me sitting in the back and Johnny driving away. I spaced out, no idea where we going and at this point I didn't care. Nothing he would do could phase me anymore he could be driving me to my death and I'd be okay. I came back to reality and realized we were no longer driving, I looked out the window and saw my work building. I put the photo in my purse, I went to get out of the car when I remember something.

"Johnny?" I said hesitantly.

"Yes y/n?" I felt his eyes on me as I bit my lip afraid to ask the question. I looked at him through the rear view mirror.

"Did you have anything to do with the night of my car accident?" his eyes immediately looked away.  My heart broke, I knew the answer but I needed to hear it from him.

"Answer me you coward".

"Yes" he said quietly. The tears started falling again. I got out the car and slammed the door.

I made my way into the building and was met by Yunho.

"Miss y/l/n? What's wrong? What happened to you?" he asked frantically.

I couldn't answer him, I just hugged him and begin to cry harder.

He picked me up. "Let's get you back home" he said.

Hours Later

I woke up on my couch. My head was pounding, I knew what had happened wasn't a nightmare but I didn't want to believe it.

I turned on my tv. "......Johnny Suh......."

Johnny?. I turned up the tv to hear what the reporter was saying.

"After 4 years of unknown whereabouts former Kpop Star, Johnny Suh, has been found deceased. The cause of death hasn't been disclosed"

I read the headline to make sure I was hearing correctly. Just then my phone started going off.

I picked it up off the table and saw I had a text from Doyoung.

Doyoung: You're free. Y/n you're free.

I'm free. I thought to myself. I grabbed my purse and looked through it. I saw the wooden frame and took it out of my bag.

I held the picture to my chest and exhaled deeply. "I'm free".

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

a/n: The end. Ngl the last bit made me emotional. I hope you guys liked it, I worked really hard. Also I only proof read once so my bad for typos. I'll check in the morning but I'm tired af now.

Until next time .

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