"Hi Seven!" Harmony said joining the hug. "Hey Harm." Seven said. "Kids give her some space. She's about to have a baby god damn it." Pops said. "It's okay pops." Seven said laughing. "Seven I brought your bag. Move out the way so she can sit back on these pillows I got." Moms said. Seven sat up so Cree could put the pillows behind her. "I could get used to this treatment." Seven said smiling. "Here you go sweetie." Moms said handing her a water bottle. "I'm gonna go give your birthing plan to the doctor. I'll be right back." She said before leaving out the room. "You ready to push that baby out or what?" Quincy asked.

"No I'm not ready shut the hell up." Seven said. "Oh yeah, Yo friend Amalia called me. She told me to tell you that she love you and she gonna come up here as soon as the baby comes." Quincy said. "Oh my phone. I haven't even checked it since I got here. Tiana can you hand me it. It's in my purse." Seven said. "Yeah." Tiana said walking over to the table. She grabbed the phone and brought it over to her. Seven opened it and saw she had a bunch of messages from Amalia and Jayla. She quickly responded. "Well hello everybody. I'm Seven's nurse." Nancy said walking into the room.

"It's always a pleasure to see you Laron." She said smiling. "Fasho." He said giving her a smirk. "How's everything going Seven?" Nancy asked. "Pretty good. I had a contraction about five minutes ago but right now I'm doing okay." Seven said. "That's good to hear. I'll be just out in the hall talking to your doctor if you need anything." Nancy said. "Okay." Seven said. "Man. That lady be on me. She want some of this goodness. Ima give it to her too." Laron said. "Boy please Ms. Nancy is not tripping off you." Seven said. "Yes she is. I'm telling you." Laron said. "That's sick. She like thirty something." Loren said.

"That's just how I like em." He said biting his lips. "Ewn." Tiana said. "Pops. One day it's gone be Harmony in the bed about to give birth to all our babies. You ready for that?" Quincy asked wrapping his arm around him. "Ima let that slide and that's only because I don't think you all the way there in the head." Pops said. "Really quincy?" Harmony said. "What? I thought you wanted six kids." He said shrugging. "Quincy, shut up." She said. "I wonder is the baby gone have a fat ass head like Seven." Quincy said. "Do you say everything that pop into yo head?" Loren asked. "Duh. Don't everybody do that?" Quincy asked.

"Ian gone cap, I was thinking that same thing. About him having a fat ass head." Cree said. "Really bae?" Seven said pouting. "It's a valid question." He said. "Yeah sis. Yo head is a lil big. You get that shit from daddy. Glad it skipped me." Laron said laughing. "Shid me too." Loren added. "I hate y'all." Seven said rolling her eyes. "You love us." Laron said. "I'll be right back baby." Cree said getting out his seat. "Okay. Wait Creation who's watching Milo?" Seven asked. "He with June." Cree said. "You left my baby with June?" She asked. "Hell yeah. He'll be ight." Cree said. "He better be. And get me something out the vending machine. I'm hungry." Seven said. "You always hungry. But Ight." Cree said before leaving out the room.

He walked down the hall and got onto a elevator before clicking one of the buttons. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Hello?" Anastasia said. "What you doing?" He asked as the elevator opened. He got off at the fourth floor and started walking down the hall. "I'm in this room bored. Selena left a while ago and Amber was supposed to been came up here to see me but she's up at the hotel getting drunk I bet." Anastasia said. Cree laughed. "Well. I'm here now." He said. "Stop lying." She said. He opened up her door and stuck his head in. "What's up." Cree said. "Come in. I didn't know you were coming to see me." Anastasia said sitting up. "Well I'm actually here with Seven. She finna be having the baby and shit so you know the whole fam came." Cree said.

"Well congratulations Cree. I hope everything goes well. Tell her I said good luck." Anastasia said. Cree laughed. "Thanks but nah. Ion think I should do that. She don't really like you or the idea of us being friends. She think it's something more." He said. "Well why would she think that?" She asked. "Cause June loud mouth ass said me and you was bouta fuck that night at Jorge crib. And she overheard." He said. "That time we were both drunk? I didn't even know you that night. That was before we were even friends. But trust me she has nothing to worry about. I actually had my eye on Kacey but he's gone now so." Anastasia said. "Yeah ion know why his ass left like that. But I'm sure he'll come back one day." Cree said.

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