Chapter twenty seven

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"This is one of Ace and Angels old trap spots. I definitely been here before. And did I mention I think this a bad idea? Honestly i'm still a lil tipsy so my aim might not be as precise as we want it to be." June said pulling out his strap as they got out the car. "Keep yo gun away for now. We ain't coming here to kill nobody. We just gone tell them the full story from the beginning. He might understand. I mean we did save his daughters life." Cree said. "Nigga you said might. What if he don't? Then what?" June asked. "We'll worry about that when we get to it. I just got a feeling that when we tell him that Carly is okay and waiting for him somewhere safe he'll wanna talk." Cree said. "Yea maybe so. I just hope that the girls are alright because if not, we won't be doing any talking we'll kill them all." Jorge said.

"Awww. Don't cry you'll see yo baby Amber again." June said making a kissy face. "Shut the hell up June." Jorge said. He was trying to stay calm but if something bad happened to one of them he would probably snap. "Don't trip off him. We gone get them all out of here safe and sound. Plus you know how Anastasia is she tough. I know she making sure they all igh and shit." Cree said. "And then here you go with yo lil crush on her." June said laughing. Cree signed. "Stop saying that. I can be friends with Stasia and care about her without wanting to fuck her. Everybody not like you nigga." He said. "Stasia? So you gave her a nick name?" June asked. Cree pushed him hard causing him to fall on the ground.

"I will whoop yo ass if you keep playing with me. Now come on we ain't got time to be fucking around." He said. "You ain't have to scream nigga." June said getting up and dusting himself off. "Y'all ready to go in?" Jorge asked. Cree's phone started ringing. He pulled it out his back pocket and seen that it was Seven. "Answer yo wife call." June said. Cree shook his head. "Nah this more important. We gotta make sure they okay first, Seven can wait." He said putting his phone back in his pocket. "Alright let's go then. Should I kick the door in?" Jorge asked. "Nigga no if you kick the door in they gone think it's static." Cree said. "So the fuck we supposed to do? Knock?" June asked.

"Ion think that's a bad idea actually. I'll knock y'all just be quiet." Cree said as they approached the door. "Yeah igh if they greet you with a bullet ion wanna hear a damn thing." June said. "Just be cool nigga I know what the fuck i'm doing." Cree said. He knocked on the door and took a step back. "Well I sure hope they heard that soft ass shit." Jorge said. "Well nigga you knock then." Cree said moving out the way. Jorge stepped in front of the door and started banging on it. "Now that's how you knock." June said laughing. Cree shook his head. A couple seconds passed and the door flew open. Jameson stood on the other side pointing his gun at the three of them. "Which one of you niggas banging on my fucking door like that?" He asked.

"I see you sobered up." Cree said. "I know you?" Jameson asked. Cree shook his head yes. "Aw yeah. Aw yeahhhh you the nigga who dared me to drink that bottle of Henny. What's cracking nigga what you on?" Jameson asked. "Me and my bro's came over here to talk to you about sum. Can we come in?" Cree asked. "How the fuck you find this location? And what you wanna talk about? And nigga is yo name Jorge?" Jameson asked as he tried to piece shit together in his head. "Nah that's my friend Diego. It's all a long story and i'll gladly tell it to you if you let us in." Cree said. "Nah ion know about that cause ion really know you. What you niggas want?" Jameson asked.

"Look ima be real it's about Carly. I know you looking for her and I promise you she's safe. Ion want no problems or nun I just wanna get her back to y'all without any body getting hurt." Cree said. Jameson paused. "Stay right there." He said before slamming the door. A few moments passed and he came back with Gerald on his side. "Y'all got five seconds to tell me where my daughter at." Gerald said. "She at home with my girl. We woulda brought her but we didn't know if it would be safe. We didn't want her to get caught in the cross fire or something." June said. "And why should I believe you give a fuck about my daughters safety?" Gerald asked. "If you just let us explain it's gone all make sense." Cree said. It was quiet for a moment.

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