chapter eleven

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"Best believe ima still get it done." Cree said with a shrug. "And you're positive you can do this without June?" Jorge asked. "Fuck yeah. I even got a new plan." Cree said. "What would that be?" Jorge asked. "You'll see." Cree said with a grin. In all honesty Cree didn't have a plan. He just didn't want Jorge to back out the deal because that's a whole lotta money that he could really use. "When you plan on doing it?" Jorge asked. "I was thinking tonight." Cree said.

"Tonight? Sounds good to me." Jorge said. "Good. Ima need his address." Cree said. "I'll text it to you. Just remember what I said bro. He won't be easy to get to. He's got security all over his house and probably has some on the inside too." Jorge said. "I hear you Jorge. I'll get it done don't even worry about it." Cree said. "Alright. Just come back here when you finish to pick up the second half of yo payment." Jorge said. "The second half?" Cree asked. "Yes. On your way out it'll be a brief case by the door. Take it." Jorge said with a smile.

"Shiddd sound good to me." Cree replied grinning giving him a handshake. "Cool. And again tell June Jorge says 'Whats up my nigga." Jorge said with a laugh. Cree laughed with him. "Yeah i'll be sure to do that." He said before leaving the room. He got the brief case out the front room and was on his way. This day was already off to a good start. Cree pulled out his phone and called Seven. She answered after the fourth ring. "Baby girl get dressed. I'm taking you and a Cj shopping." He said as he drove back home. "Cree are you serious?" Seven asked. You could tell she was still sleep.

"YES!" Cree yelled into the phone. He knew that he needed to wake her up. "That means i'm gonna have to do my hair." Seven whined. "Yeah nigga. And don't start that crying cause I don't car. You heard what I said." Cree said before she even had the chance to say anything. "Okay Cree whatever." Seven said. "I love youuuu." Cree said smiling. "I love you too. And we hungry so we gone have to get some food." Seven said. "Okay we can go to Cracker Barrel." Cree said. "Alright well ima get up and do my hair then ima get dressed." Seven said. "Do sum quick because we don't got all day lil girl." Cree said. "Yeah yeah yeah okay bye i'll see you when you get here." Seven said. "Okay I love you so much." Cree said.

"I love you too baby.. Why you keep saying it?" Seven asked. "Because it's the truth. I love you so much I just don't want you to forget." Cree said. "Okay. Well i'm gonna see you ina min bae bye." She said hanging up. Cree couldn't keep saying stuff like that to Seven cause it makes her real emotional. She never had anybody express themselves to her like this so she was new to this type of energy and her hormones didn't make it any better. She was just so happy that she had Cree in her life and sometimes it just makes her cry. But she didn't wanna do it in front of him because he would be over dramatic about it.

A unknown call came to Cree's phone and he knew it was June so he decided to answer. "What's up nigga." June said into the phone. "Well damn hello." Cree said. "Man I'm mad as a bitch. I can't believe they keeping me here. Talking bout I threatened and assaulted a officer." June said. "Well you did do that." Cree said laughing. June smacked his teeth. "Them bitches ain't got no proof. King bitch a lawyer so she handling my case." He said. "Nigga have some respect, that's his wife. And what I tell you about calling women bitches." Cree said checking him.

"Aye nigga shut that shit up. You my lil brother. Don't forget who raised you my boy." June said. "Nigga I raised you." Cree said. "And I know you ain't talking cause yo ass stay calling Krissy a bitch." June said. "Cause she is a bitch. So just mind yo fucking business and worry about yo girl. Who been asking bout yo ass by the way." Cree said. "What her ass want?" June asked. "She was wondering if you was at my house and I told her nah you was jammed." Cree said. June signed.

"And what her ass have to say about that?" He asked. "She was sad and shit. I hung up on her ass when I heard her start crying." Cree said. June laughed "Nigga stop lying. Fuck she crying for?" He asked. "Aw I had told her you was doing two to four years." Cree said. June started laughing. "Man what the fuck. You sick ina head." He said. "Shidd that's what they told us." Cree said. "Nah man that shit dead I'm tryna be outta here soon. ima have to call her tomorrow. Can you tell me her number you know ion remember that shit." June said feeling a lil bad that her feelings was hurt.

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