Chapter 16: I Hate Men

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Second person POV

Alcina walked out of the bathroom, radiating the scent of roses as she walked to the door of her room. She went out, closing the door gently short after. The Lady looked around, not spotting any sight of you or her daughters.

"Y/N? Bela, Cassandra, Daniela?" She called out calmly. But soon after turned into worry as none of you appeared since usually her daughters would come to her call in an instant. Fearing the worst, she hurried down the stairs and walked faster than usual around the place, in search for her little treasures. Each time, she got closer and closer to the opera hall. A wild laugh ringing through the halls catching her attention. She quickly sprinted towards the room to check. 

Meanwhile in the opera room, you four where in a fit of laughter again, still wondering how you all hadn't dried up from the tears you spilled from laughing like a hundred times. You let out some dry coughs before clutching onto your stomach and falling onto your knees.

"Guys, guys, please, this is already-" A tearful wheeze cut you off, making you curl up into a ball on the cold floor of the room.

"-The 11th try, and most of the time you didn't even got to the second verse." Your legs wobbled as you stood up, your lipstick was smeared from wiping your tears everywhere. Meanwhile you recomposed yourself and sat on the piano chair again, the other three were still snickering like wild animals. Bela as the oldest, calmed down and wiped her tears off, mixing them with the blood on her face for the 11th time. Cassandra and Daniela, were helping each other to stand up. Once they finally stood up, the three took a sip of water mixed with blood to clear their sore throats. Your fingers ghosted above the keys, ready to play any moment.

"Ready guys?" 

"Yes, ready." The three daughters replied with the wildest grin ever as you began to play. 

"I hate men.
I can't abide them, even now and then."

Some giggles erupted from the ginger head, but surprisingly enough you all got through it without losing it.

"Than ever marry one of them I'd rest a virgin rather, 
For husbands are a boring lot and only give you bother."

Cassandra and Daniela looked at each other, a mischievous smirk forming on their faces. The blonde raised her brow at the two, looking at you to search for answers but you just shrugged.

"Of course, I'm awfully glad that mother had to marry father!
But I hate men!"

Yours and Bela's eyes widened as you realized what the other two were trying to do; They were trying to imitate their mother's voice. You held a snicker as you saw Bela struggling to continue the song. Not to your knowing, there was a grumpy figure standing by the entrance of the room.

"Of all the types I've ever met within our democracy,
I hate the most the athlete with his manner bold and brassy!"

Bela's eyes lit up, making you curious of what she was going to do. She put her hand on her hip and with the other hand, she held an imaginary pipe, just like how Alcina would always be standing. Cassandra covered her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut, successfully drowning a laugh.

"He may have hair upon his chest, but sister, so has Lassie!"

Daniela snorted, laughing silently while you all continued the song not wanting to disturb you. You and the remaining others were shaking.

"Oh I hate men!"

You played the final chord as you all broke into laughter again. You plopped onto the keys causing them to create a very unpleasant dissonance. Maybe you guys didn't got to sing the full song because of this, but at least you got to the middle...well, kind of.

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