Chapter 15: Progress

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Third person's POV

Y/N followed Cassandra who was leading her to her mother's castle. She was rambling about how there was only 2 days left before winter officially starts, and how they will have to stay inside the castle during the cold days.

"I just don't get how we are weak to the cold! Sometimes I wish I wasn't made of flies..." The heiress chuckled at her words, it was actually amusing to see some people ramble, maybe Miranda wasn't wrong at all. The brunette suddenly raised up in the air, doing some loops with her flies around her while she continued rambling. Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, eyes widen in surprise, and mouth agape in awe.

"And then Daniela was complaining to mother while Bela facepalmed and watched everything unfold! Can you believe her audacity?!- Y/N?" Cassandra stopped rambling when she saw the H/C standing behind her, still on the same spot 30 seconds ago. She snapped out of her trance and looked at the middle fly.

"You- You never told me you could fly in your 'human' form?" Cassandra blinked a few times before bursting out laughing like a hyena. Y/N frowned, pouting and feeling mocked by the Dimitrescu. The brunette gasped for air while clutching her stomach, trying to choke out some words.

"I- I had done that even w-when you first met us and you d-didn't know?!" She said between wheezes, wiping her tears of laughter away. The countess crossed her arms in disapproval, letting out a sigh of annoyance and continued walking towards the castle. Cassandra eventually calmed down, catching up with Y/N. She snickered seeing the still annoyed expression of the girl.

"Oh, c'mon! Don't be mad!" Y/N sighed once again, shaking her head at the childishness of Cass. After a while of walking, they finally arrived at the castle. The brunette took her hand, turning the door handle and dragging her indoors.

"Hey! I can walk!" Y/N yelped as the middle fly kept dragging her across the halls, eventually arriving at her mother's chambers. She stopped, and let go off of Y/N's wrist. The heiress stumbled a little from the dizziness, glaring at Cassandra who just shrugged, knocking on the Lady's doors.

"Come in." A smooth voice said quite loudly from the other side. Cassandra opened the door, letting you come in before grinning at Y/N.

"Well, good luck." She whispered teasingly before dispersing into flies. Y/N stood there confused, was something bad going to happen? She shook those thoughts off and gave Alcina a warm smile at which she smiled back.

"Hey Alci, what did you needed me for?" The woman asks with a smile, her hands folded right above her abdomen. The taller woman gets up from her fancy sofa-chair, and walks towards her bed, patting the spot beside her signaling for Y/N to sit. She does as the Lady says, tilting her head waiting for a response.

"Well?" Alcina sighs nervously, gulping and darting her eyes away. She shifts into a more comfortable sitting position before looking at Y/N worriedly.

"Y/N, first of all, I am sorry for your loss..." The countess' breathing became hitched and shaky, she hates that subject being brought up, even though she was almost over it. She tried not to cry. She pressed her lips into a thin line, furrowing her brows as the nightmarish memories came into her mind again.

"It's...alright, Alci, thanks for your concern, anything else you wanted to tell me?" The corners of her lips tugged a sad smile when she asked the question. Lady Dimitrescu took the smaller woman's hand into her own, giving them a gentle squeeze before kissing her forehead. Y/N blushed out of embarrassment, all her feelings for Alcina were platonic though, the only romantic feelings were displayed towards...Miranda? It wouldn't be possible, right? The touch of a cold hand placed onto her shoulder snaps her out of it.

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