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Lia's Birthday Celebrations

Narrator's POV

Everyone brought their backpacks.

Y/N and Yeji joined the circle.

Everyone was ready to show what they bought from the trip.

First, Lia and Yeji gave what they bought for the others and showed the pictures they took.

Now, came the book event they were waiting for.

Y/N explained what she suggested.

Yuna and Chaeryeong gave the books. It was Ryujin's turn.

Y/N took the book in her hand and opened the wrapping and read the title, "the book thief? Unnie, is this really what you got me?"

Everyone in the room looked at Ryujin before laughing.

Ryujin- what? I didn't know what you would like.

Y/N- so you bought me a children's book?

But it feels nice to get a gift. So, it's okay. Here is yours, unnie.

Yuna- 'please look after mom'? thanks, Y/N.

Y/N- I hope you like it, unnie.

Ryujin would be lying if she said that she wasn't a little sad and jealous.

Y/N- unnies, usually wherever I go, I used to buy Ah-reum something. It has kind of become a habit. So, I bought guys' books too. It is completely fine if you guys don't want it.

Lia- we would love it. What did you get for me?

Y/N- umma's table.

Lia pouted cutely and replied, "I guess it is okay because it is from my baby" while pinching Y/N's cheeks. And now, it was Yeji's turn to be jealous.

Y/N gave the book she bought for Yeji and Chaeryeong. It was now Ryujin's turn.

Though Ryujin didn't show it, she was looking forward to the book she would get. So, it was only natural that she got angry when she saw that it was a book on personality development. But the others members found her reactions funnier than the book itself.

Y/N gave her 'the little women' once everyone stopped laughing. Ryujin couldn't help but smile.

Lia- okay. Okay. Now, listen to me. Let's have my birthday hangout tomorrow

Y/N- hmm? Unnie, isn't your birthday like, still a week away?

Yeji- yes. But since Lia is from a rich family, they have a party with other rich people.

Chaeryeong- no one can relate except Yuna and Lia.

Y/N- Yuna unnie is rich too? Ooh. I never knew since she doesn't wear name brands.

Yeji- so, for Lia's and Yuna's birthday, we select a day a little before their birthday and hang out.

Y/N- so, it is basically a private party with only itzy, right?

Lia- I guess you could call that. So, is tomorrow fine for everyone?

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Next day


Our classes just ended.

So, the thing is Yeji unnie talked with me and we are planning to confess at Lia unnie's birthday party. I am kind of more nervous than Yeji unnie as I need to prepare everything on that day. I am afraid that I might mess something up and ruin their big day. Yeji unnie said that it would be alright but I can't help but feel that something is going to go wrong.

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