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Sweet Love's Diner235 Camay Dr

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Sweet Love's Diner
235 Camay Dr.
Los Angeles, CA

Sadie's nails tapped against the marble tabletop as she waited for her. She didn't know what the exact words she was going to say but she knew the first thing that was going to leave out her mouth was sorry.

Stephanie coming on the side of her, placing an iced water with lemons on the table caused her to look up. She hadn't been here in a while and somehow just by seeing her face she smiled. "Chef's choice?" Stephanie asked, not bothering to write down the order in her notepad.
Without even saying anything, the bell rung indicating that someone just came in. Both Stephanie and Sadie's eyes averted towards the door. Cynthia stood there, pushing her wet curly hair over her shoulder. It just started raining so her clothes were a little wet as well. She scanned the diner looking for no one other than Sadie.
When they finally met eyes, Sadie gave a slyly smile but Cynthia didn't return the gesture. Instead she began to walk towards her with a blank look plastered on her face. This was going to be a long ass night so she thought. Just by the looks of it, Cynthia was still pissed and she had every right to be. She was just being a good friend and wanted the person she cared about the most to experience happiness.
What she said to her probably would never be forgiven but she wanted the two to move forward. And hopefully after this dinner, she would still have a makeup artist. "Oh" Stephanie said, stepping back to allow Cynthia to slide in the booth. "What can I start you off with to drink? She asked waiting for her answer.

"Do you have Patron because I'm going to need one for this conversation" she harshly asked. Stephanie didn't know whether to laugh or just stay quiet. She looked over at Sadie who sat there quiet. "You know what" she said, reaching for the paper menu in front of her. It took her a millisecond to look over the drinks before she came to her decision. "I'll have a sprite" she said

Stephanie just nodded and left the table to retrieve her drink. The two sat there staring at each other not a word leaving their mouth. Today, Cynthia wore no makeup, she was bare face but she still was pretty. By her choice of clothing, it's almost like she came here to fight instead of talking. The baggy joggers, the oversized t-shirt and the Vans tied tight made her appearance screamed she meant business. Across from her, Sadie separated her lips, instantly feeling herself getting cotton mouth. What possibly could she say? She was disrespectful and that's something the two never did—disrespect one another.
"She likes you" Cynthia spoke, looking back down at the menu. Even through all the tension, she was still willing to play match maker.
"I'm sorry" Sadie blurted, getting straight to the point and the reasoning for her inviting Cynthia in the first place.

Stephanie coming back with a cold sprite in her hands. She laid down a napkin first before placing the drink there. "Um okay" she scanned the two, seeing some sort of animosity in the air, "Sadie" she turned to look at her, "Chef's choice right?" She asked her again.
She nodded, not taking her eyes off the person across from her. Stephanie nodded as well then turned to Cynthia, "And what would you like?"

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