To London, To London

Comincia dall'inizio

Jaci felt paralyzed at the sudden info dump Aydan had poured on her. She would have to ask him to repeat it again later. Perhaps after a quick nap.

They had ascended the stairs while he spoke, heading to the left and then to the right to another long hallway. Stopping at the second door, he opened it and walked inside. Jaci followed and was surprised to find herself in a large room, floor-to-ceiling
French doors that led to a sizable balcony, and a very inviting four-poster bed decked in white satin bedding.

That was just the highlights. White trim and crown moulding were complimenting the light mint green walls. The wooden floor was covered in luxurious area rugs of gray and white, helpful in muting the echoes that might have occurred. Pale mint overstuffed chairs and a loveseat were situated in front of a stone fireplace.

Jaci felt like she had just entered a palace, though she knew this was clearly not a palace. She stood dumbfounded, slowly turning around as she took in every detail.

"Your en-suite bathroom is through the door next to the fireplace. Towels, toiletries, and anything else you should need are in there. We desire to make your stay quite comfortable. So, feel free to let us know if anything is lacking."

Aydan turned to Jaci and smiled warmly. He seemed quite young now that she got a good look at him, but he definitely had an air of mystery and authority about him.

"Will there be anything you might need while I'm here?" His bright blue eyes were in stark contrast to his chestnut colored hair.

Jaci smiled and shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Very well. I'll let you get settled in."

Jaci watched as he walked towards the door and then she had an afterthought.

"Ah! How do I get a taxi to help get me to the pub this evening?"

Ayden stopped, turned halfway around, and smiled. "I'll be driving you. No worries."

With that, he left Jaci alone in her new room. She let out a sigh of disbelief and walked over to the loveseat and sat down. It was very comfortable and she found herself snuggling down into it and letting her eyes close.

As she drifted off into sleep, a familiar presence brushed through her mind, bringing with it an image of a broken-hearted man, with piercing black eyes, and jet black hair.

* * *

"Hm, I don't remember this airline being so automated last time we flew." Sunny looked cautiously at the robot steward rolling down the aisle offering drinks and snacks to the passengers.

"Yes, but that was twenty years ago, babe," sighed Taehyung, leaning his seat back as far as it would go. He was in the middle seat, between Sunny and Jungkook.

"I suppose a lot of things have changed," mused Sunny quietly.

Jungkook sat in the window seat, his eyes looking out at the clouds rolling underneath the plane. Although he knew the plane was going hundreds of miles an hour, it felt like it was crawling. Time was going so slow, and he was growing more impatient. It was bad enough the flight had been delayed due to a flat tire for over an hour. That hour meant so much to him right now.

Hoseok had been a true friend and agreed to watch over the pack while Jungkook was away, though he did make him promise not to be gone for too long.

"A pack without its true Alpha will devolve into chaos. Power has shifted, and I can only hold them together for so long. Do what you must, but hurry back."

He had gripped Jungkook in a tight hug and gave him what little info about Zephyr that he had.

"So, you were going to tell us what Hoseok said about this mystery guy once the flight took off," said Taehyung flatly. His head laid against the seat but faced Jungkook, expecting information to be forthcoming immediately.

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