Or why you're here?


The thought never occurred to me. "I...didn't think about that."

Mhmm...and why not?

"Well...I don't know, why am I here?" It didn't answer, instead, it began to float away. "Wait!" I called out. "Where are you going?"

It didn't answer me. I wanted to follow after it, but I was too afraid. My dream echoed in the back of my head.

I had one of two choices: stay here alone, or follow a talking butterfly to my possible demise.

Possible demise it was.

It continued to flutter away as I tried to keep up with it. The meadow remained brightly lit, I could see rolling hills off in the distance, and a stream just a few feet ahead. I kept checking the area just to make sure I wouldn't fall into a swamp, this time I would be alert.

"Where are we going?" I called aloud. After minutes of no response, I tried again. "Are you just going to ignore every question I ask?" Still no response... "I take that as a yes." I huffed.

I was growing tired of walking, and I felt like we were getting nowhere. This place seemed to be endless, and I was growing slightly claustrophobic.

I took mental pictures of everything we went by, just in case I needed to find my own way back.

There's something you must see before you can understand why you have been called here. It said out of the blue.

"Well gee, it would be nice if you could just tell me. Where am I anyway?" My voice was starting to become whiney.

Patience dear Chosen One.

I froze in my tracks. "What did you just call me?"

Are you suprised? Of course I know who you are, why do you think you're here?

"I'm trying to figure out the same thing." I continued to walk in silence before speaking once more. "So you know who I am, only question now is...who are you?"

I am who I am.

"Right, and...you are?" What was with all the crypticism? Why couldn't I just get a straight answer...

It jingled as it laughed, I'd never get used to the strange sound.

I am Axelia.

"Huh, that's different."

Do you know what it means? Axelia asked.

"No, but I would like to know where it is you're taking me."

To where you need to be.

"Right, I forgot you answer in riddles." I noticed that I hadn't fallen into any sludge yet, maybe I could trust Axelia. Plus, it had been dark then, the sun was still out.

We are almost there.

"Where?" The scenery around me was still pretty much the same, that was until I saw a forest looming ahead. The blood in my face began to drain, it was the same forest. I stopped walking, my mind automatically going to that scene in my dream. "I'm not going in there." I said with a shake of my head.

You must. It is the forest of Memoria Praeteritorum.

Somehow, I knew the name, the forest of memories of the past.

"Memories of the past? Why would I need to go there, there's nothing there for me." I refused to go in there if I didn't have to. The memory of sinking was still too real.

To walk through Memoria Praeteritorum is a blessing that many do not come by.

"Yeah, well some things are better off not being known." I mumbled.

And others are not...

"I won't go in there, you can't make me." I crossed my arms in defiance as it loomed in front of me like an ominous threat, unchartered territory.

You are right, I can not. You have been called, now it is up to you to walk, set aside your fears chosen one, and go, go and you will find the truth.

"What truth?! Why am I even here! I want to go home!" I was growing impatient.

Go and you shall know.

And with that, Axelia took to the sky, growing smaller and smaller as she disappeared.
I wanted to cry, what was I supposed to do now, how was I supposed to get home? I didn't want to go through that forest, yet it seemed to be the only way to get back home.
I paced back and forth, mulling over what to do. What if it was like my dream, what if I got stuck and began to sink? There was no one else here, I would surely die.

"Come on Riley, you can do this." I pumped myself up, taking a deep breath before setting one foot in front of the other, and then another, and another, until I was walking...walking right in to what could be the death of me.

Crossroad: TBB Series Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ