All the wolves were afraid that the had pushed it to far and have lost any chance of having a friendship with him. Max then finally slowed his breathing down as he became more calm once he realized that it was a joke. After a few seconds of breathing he noticed Lydia's hand on his lap. He then looked up and saw that everyone of them had faces of regret. 

He wanted to lash out at them for their joke but, after seeing their faces he saw that they were sorry for what they did. he then laid a hand on Lydia's hand and spoke up.

Max: "It's ok guys just please don't do that again ok." He said sternly. 

Lukas: "Yes we promise not to do that again." He said smiling. 

Lydia then lifted her hand and walked back to her spot. And after a second Max returned to his spot between Lydia and Serana. 

Serana: "So what are we going to do for food?"

Max: "Well Lukas did carry the deer I shot so we could eat that." He said motioning to the deer carcass laying on the ground. 

Lukas: "Yeah that would do nicely." He said in approval. 

Tullius: " Well then let's get to work and prepare the meat." 

And with that both Tullius and Lukas got up and walked over to the dear. Max then stood up to help them but Lukas stopped him. 

Lukas: "No no stay there dude. After what we just pulled on you there is no way we are making you do anything." 

And with that Max just stood there for a second before returning to his seat between the girls. He then looked up and saw that both of them still had a saddened face and their ears were still lowered to their heads. 

Max knew that what they did was wrong but, he also knew that they were sorry for their actions. And he decided to try and make peace with them. 

Max: "Hey lydia." He said in a gentle voice. 

Lydia looked over to him and he could have sworn she had tears forming in her eyes.  

Max: "If you want you can put me on your lap." He said with a small smile. 

Lydia: "Really you want that?"She said with hope in her eyes. 

Max: " Sure go for it." He said with a smile. 

Lydia grew a massive smile on her face and her ears perked up. She reached down and picked him and placed him on her lap against her stomach. Max was quickly enveloped by the warmth and soft feeling of her fur as he leaned into her. She moved her hands and placed them against his stomach and over his lap. 

Lydia: " So, does this mean you still want to be friends." She said a bit afraid of his answer. 

Max let out a sigh and also notices that everyone was looking at him just waiting for what he was going to say. 

Max: "Well besides the fact that yall gave me one of the biggest scares of my life." He said looking around at everyone. " I still want to be friends with you guys." He said with a smile. 

Everyone let out sighs of relief after hearing what he just said. And also right at that moment Lukas started to put pieces of the venison over the fire to cook. 

Time skip.

No one's POV

The sun had now fully set and was replaced with the moon in all of its glory. The sound of crickets filled the air. And in the forest sat a group of wolves and a human around a campfire. Lydia had place Max down on the ground so he could eat. And Lukas had just finished cooking the meat and passed it out to everyone. 

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