Christine Evelyn/Caleo

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Hello! Welcome back! This one is going to be a bit more like Sarah Creen's chapter, so hopefully you enjoy!


Hello everybody! My names Christine, just an average girl in Lincoln Elementary School. I have straight blonde hair and gray eyes. 

I only have one best friend. Leo Valdez. He has messy black hair, brown eyes, and elfish features. He has a face that make teachers want to plop him in the front row. I don't like him, I already have someone else in mind... Sorry, ADHD makes me get off track. I met Leo when he stood up to me when I was getting bullied, so he's more of a brother to me.

"Hey loser! You planning another murder? Like the one you planned for your mom?" Steven, the school jock/bully taunted.

Leo, who normally was calm and made the taunts into jokes, finally snapped. 

"I didn't kill my mom, you brainless dummy, she was murdered. Of course, since you have no brain cells you probably wouldn't understand a word of what I'm saying," Leo said. Steven tried to say something, but Leo kept on rolling. "Your so dumb I doubt without your daddy you wouldn't even pass elementary school,"

Steven put on a murderous expression. "Valdez, I'm going to make you regret you ever looked at me,"

Leo laughed. "You're so dumb that's probably the only thing you know how to do!"

Steven clenched his fists, and right before he punched Leo, I kicked him in the ribs, and he toppled over in surprise.

"Come on!" I said to Leo, dragging him away.

"Thanks!" Leo said enthusiastically.

Leo confuses me. He switches emotions super quickly leaving me in the dust.

"So, history?" I asked.

Leo nodded and we walked toward our history class. 

"Did you hear the news that the greek and roman gods are real?" I asked Leo, talking small talk.

Yesterday evening, on the TV the greek gods made an announcement. It was shocking, though most people took it with anger. Because of that news lots of people in school were pretending to be demigods. Of course, most of the school took it seriously except for Leo. He always just laughed and walked away.

"Hello class, today we'll be talking about greek mythology due to yesterday evening!" Mrs.Stone said in her chirpy voice.

"First question, who is the king of the gods?" Mrs. Stone asked. "Yes Bob?" (I'm sorry, but I needed a name. Plus, I love the name Bob)

"Poseidon!" Bob said.

"Not quite. Leo Valdez! Get up!" Mrs. Stone yelled at Leo.

"Yes Mrs.Stone?" Leo asked sleepily.

"If you think you're better than this class, why don't you teach it?" Mrs. Stone exclaimed.

Leo shrugged. "sure,"

As Leo walked up to the front of the classroom, surprised Mrs. Stone walked over to Leo's desk. Not my favorite spot since it's right next to me.

"Okay guys, the king of the gods is Zeus. His brothers are Poseidon and Hades, while his sisters are Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. Yes, Zeus married his sister Hera." Leo said.

As time went on he kept teaching and the only thing interesting were his jokes, and seeing Mrs. Stone take notes. Pretty sure I need to tell the principal about this.

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