Sharon Melene/ Percabeth

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PERCY JACKSON DOESN'T BELONG TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if you're named after the jerks in the book. Hopefully you aren't like them. Enjoy! I'm probably going to hate myself for writing this.


Hi, my name is Sharon. I have the most beautiful blond hair(Dyed) a perfect tane(Sprayed) and pretty blue eyes(Contacts)

 I'm the most popular girl in Catherine High School. I've dated most of the boys in the school, except for the nerds, and there's one person who will finally be mine. His ruffled raven black hair, and his sea green eyes makes him super cute. He has a six pack and probably the hottest boy in school! He's also captain of the swim team! I haven't asked him out yet, but I'm biding my time. 

As I walked through the halls, I tried to find my minions, oops friends, when the bell rang. Greek Mythology class is probably the most boring class ever, but it has Percy, and so I had to attend. Unlucky for me, it was test day.

A/N BOLD is the questions, Italic is her answers

Who is the goddess of wisdom?


Who is the god of war?


What is two things apollo is the god of?

War and Weapons

And the questions kept going on like that. I turned mine in, and the teacher graded everything.

"Class, only one person in this class got everything right," Ms. Bell said.

As she passed out the tests, I was disgusted to find out I had gotten only 3/12 right. After class was dismissed, I marched to Ms. Bell.

"How dare you give me 3 out of 12 right? My father is Zeus! If I tell him too, he'd electrocute you until you're forced to retire," I snarled at her.

"I-I'm sorry Miss Melene, I was unaware," Ms. Bell stuttered.

She changed my points until it said 11/12. 

"Better," I said.

I walked out of the classroom. 

I only memorized the facts about Zeus because any wrong flaw, would send me toppling down the popularity chain.

As I grouped up with my friends,  I saw Percy leaning on his locker.

"Hey Percy," I purred.

"What do you want Sharon?" He asked.

"What did you get for the mythology test?" I purred.

"Everything, what about you?" Percy said.

"11" I said, raising my chin.

Percy looked at me with surprise. "Really? Why don't you show me?"

I hesitantly handed over my test review. After reading it, he burst out laughing.

"What is wrong with you?" I screeched.

"Oh- Oh, these, are all mostly wrong," Percy said between laughs.

"Ugh," I said snatching back my review.

"So Percy, wanna go on a date? Today at 6," I said.

"No," Percy said.

Yes! He would go out with me! Wait, no?

"What do you mean no?" I screamed.

"I have a girlfriend Sharon," Percy said. He glared at me, and his sea green eyes suddenly turned dark. I stepped back.

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