John Returns

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I couldn't believe how humiliated I was! Matt really swung me around the front yard by my undies in broad daylight. It felt like some giant monster from the deep took time out of his schedule just to manhandle me. Idler like I was his play toy and used me like a brand new yo-yo. His main goal was to try and impress Phillip, the embarrassment of me was just an added bonus. As I came to, I felt a draft that shouldn't have been there... down below. I looked down and staring me straight in the face was my raging hard cock and smooth tight balls. I was completely naked on display to anyone who chose to look. That's when reality hit me and I realized Mr. Johnson and his friend were still standing across from me, which meant they got a complete view of my goodies. Two of the guys, who were in the car with the other college guys, got out and apparently recorded the entire wedgie humiliation. I couldn't have been more red in the face! I tried to cover up, but quickly took note that if I touched my cock I was going to spew my load everywhere.

I hopped to my feet and made a mad dash for the front door, but it was locked. I knocked and yelled for Matt to let me in, but he wouldn't answer me. That's when the curtains to my front window opened wider than before. There stood in front of the widow, facing the entire neighborhood was Matt completely naked. I always knew Matt was hot, but damn my bestie was a delicious sight. He's hunky yet still had that twink-ish appearance, but has a set of amazing pecs, with nipples that stay hard 24/7. Then there's his very bubbly and round ass, everyone wanted a piece of his cake. He used to be a little shrimp that I wedgied and now he was built like a tank and got his revenge. He embarrassed me in front of my own home! When I thought things couldn't get any worse, I was tapped on the shoulder and shaken by the voice I heard.

John: Hi Logan...

Logan: *turns around* JOHN!

I was filled with a mix of emotions, but that all came second to the feeling of the cum building up inside of me, just begging to be released. I tried to hold it back by clenching my butt, but I felt the battle about to end. My balls drew up and my face depicted so much pleasure, but so much embarrassment. I couldn't hold it any longer and I had one of the most explosive orgasms I've had in a long time. I heard many gasps as I dropped to my knees and let out a cry of ecstasy. I shot rope after rope of cum everywhere. I splattered my chest, stomach, legs, etc. It just felt so good to finally release all of my pent up horniness. I shot at least 8 large ropes of cum before it began to trickle down and dribble out of my still hard cock. A puddle began to form as I came down from my orgasmic high. The reality of my situation began to sink back in and once more I was completely embarrassed.

I lowered my head in shame as I realized how pathetic I looked. I tried to stand, but I was too weak and shaky from the amazing orgasm. That's when I felt two strong arms wrap around me and pick me up. I looked up and saw the mess I made all over john. He didn't say a word, just threw me over his shoulder and carried me to his car. He laid me down in the backseat before returning to my house. It didn't take him long before he came running back with a tote bag and Matt. Both of them got in the car and we drove off, still not saying a word. Matt turned around and draped a blanket over my naked body. It felt warm and comforting enough for me to fall asleep as we drove.

~1 hour later~

I woke up and thought I had just dreamed the entire event, but I was definitely wrong. I was still completely naked in the back of the car...JOHNS CAR!

Logan: John.. is that really you?

John: Is the sky blue? Duh it's me dork

Logan: Omg how are you? Why are you back? Is everything okay? How's the new job been? I've missed you so much!

Matt: Wow what am I chopped liver? I didn't get this kind of reaction when you saw me!

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