
Because even if Atsumu choose to forgive him, and then dismiss everything for whatever means be;

Sakusa still couldn't forgive himself.

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"Hey dipshit, what's up?"

Suna finally answered as it had taken quite a few rings before he picked up his phone. Which wasn't necessarily to Atsumu's liking as he had low patience, but he let it pass.

"Nothin' much, bitch." The blonde chuckled. "Are ya busy?"

"Not really, why? You got new drama to spill or what?" The brunette questioned, pretty much assuming the obvious.

"Ya know me too well," Atsumu chuckled. "But this ain't the usual kinda drama, ya 'otta swear not t' tell 'Samu."

"Oh? How bad does something have to be for you to not tell him?" Suna questioned, normally, despite the two's bickering, they normally told one another things first. Always.

"It's Sakusa, we were both accepted for the team."

"Shit," Suna paused. "Putting 'Samu aside for a second — are you gonna be okay, y'know, having him around?"

"'M not sure but I hope so," The blonde sighed softly. "Promise me ya won't tell 'Samu 'bout this, he'd kill me, then probably be at Sakusa's throat too."

"I won't tell him, don't worry, but that comes on one condition."

"An' what's that?" Atsumu honestly just assumed Suna would've told him to buy some Chuupet for his silence.

"You tell him eventually, it doesn't have to be now but he's gonna have to know at some point." The statement wasn't wanted honestly, yet was unfortunately true. Atsumu would have to tell Osamu at some point.

"M'kay, I'll tell him when the right kinda time comes around."

"Good," Suna took a pause once again. "How's it going with Sakusa then? He's not being a dick to you is he?"

"No, an' surprisin'ly it's goin' well? We talked after practice earlier, it feels great t' joke around with him again." Remembering this, without a doubt, put a smile on Atsumu's face.

If he really gave it a thought, there was lots he missed doing with Sakusa. Not that he'd tell him that though.

"So does that mean you two are cool with one another now, or no?"

"At the moment, 'm pretty sure we are?" Atsumu had thought so yet his tone was still unsure.

Sure they had made an agreement, but Atsumu had all reason to still be hesitant. He put trust into Sakusa a few years ago and it didn't end too well, so trusting him again, was still something he was iffy about.

"Are you or not? You don't sound too sure." The brunette let a small, light chuckle slip.

"Well, we decided on puttin' the past behind us so we could work t'gether — 'm pretty sure we're on good terms at the moment." The blonde confirmed, this time with more confidence.

"M'kay, well-" Suna stopped, cutting himself off.

There was silence for a few seconds, which undoubtedly left Atsumu confused. He wouldn't speak however as he wasn't sure if he needed to stay silent.

"Sorry about that 'Tsumu, 'Samu just got back— I'll have to call you later." There was a small bit of rush to his voice, but nothing alarming, instead; Suna sounded excited.

"What's got ya goin' so quickly, hm?" Atsumu pried to no surprise, a teasing tone lacing his words.

"Date night."

The faux blonde internally could've groaned, especially knowing damn well Suna was most likely smirking on the other end. Despite what had happened, he'd usually be the center of tease when it came to relationship matters because he was still single, and that hadn't changed.

"M'kay, I see how it is," Atsumu let out a playfully dramatic sigh, earning a small chuckle. "Talk t' ya later, bitch."

"Later, dipshit."

And with that, the two hung up. Atsumu definitely felt a little better voicing things out to Suna, but he knew eventually he'd have to tell Osamu too.

But he wouldn't be told too soon, Atsumu wasn't really looking to be murdered anytime soon.


we all know osamu's an entire prefecture over yet has a hunch something's up, he just knows @-@

anyways, how do y'all think osamu's actually gonna react? i'm curious 👀

~koi ☕︎︎

Dull Eyes || SakuAtsuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon