Chapter 9

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I awoke to the sound of banging. I groaned and flipped over, covering my head with a pillow. "Y/N? can I come in?" I heard, muffled through the door. I took the pillow off my head. "Who is it?" I yelled. "It's Soda. I need to talk to you." He yelled through the door. Ugh, I would rather do anything than talk to Soda right now. "Leave me alone!" I yelled, flipping back over. "Well, you are in my room" He said. "Ugh!" I groaned and got out of bed, still in the clothes from last night. I swung the door open. "What do you want?" I said, leaning on the doorway. Soda stood there in a wife beater tank top and jeans holding a bouquet of yellow roses. I looked down at the roses and put my head in my hands, rubbing my forehead. "Listen, I just wanted to say i'm sorry." He said, his face full of remorse. "Dude, you should be giving those to sandy, not me." I said, starting to close the door, but Soda's hand stopped it. "Wait, the thing is, I can't give them to her. She broke up with me the day before yesterday." I stood there, looking at his feet. "I hadn't told anyone because I still haven't really processed it out. you're the first person I've told. She's going off to college." He was looking down, his baby blue eyes starting to water. I furrowed my brows and pouted. "Oh, Soda. I'm so sorry!" I said, wrapping my arms around him. He held me back timidly. "So, last night, you guys weren't still dating?" He shook his head. "I shut down after I accidentally called you by her name and I got super defensive, but it's only because I was hurt. I'm honestly so sorry, Y/N. Please forgive me." I smiled, sorrowfully. "I accept your apology." I said hugging around his neck, popping my leg. "Oh, and I got these for you. The flower lady said that yellow meant friendship, and I didn't want you to think I was making a move on you or anything." He reached out to give me the flowers. I took them and smelled them, smiling. "you know, since your single we don't have to just be friends." He looked down and blushed. I pushed past him toward the kitchen and sat on the kitchen table, swinging my legs. Johnny and Ponyboy were also there. "So what are you guys thinking of doing today?" I asked them. sodapop put his glass of milk down. "Oh, I gotta go back to work, I'm on my lunch break." "Well, Johnny and I were planning on catching a movie at the drive in," Ponyboy added. "We'd love for you to tag along!" I looked to them and smiled. "God, I'd love to! What time?" "Oh its at like 9, so we'll have some time to chill out." Pony said. I jumped off the table. "Well perfect, because i've gotta get home and change my clothes." Suddenly, a huge wave of pain hit my forehead. i put my hand to my head and squished my face. "And hopefully take a nap" Soda put his hand on my shoulders. "Feel better, okay?" I looked up at him and laughed. "I'll try. see ya boys tonight! peace out!" I said, leaving the house.
I walked home and took a well needed shower. I took some tylenol and napped in my bed, realizing I hadn't slept in my own bed in two days. The gang had given me a home, and i was so thankful for that.
I woke up at around 2 o'clock feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed. I put on a yellow turtleneck sweater, a black mini skirt, and some black boots up to my thighs. I put my hair up into two braids, bardot style, and started walking to the curtis house. Johnny, pony, and Dal were all there. the other boys had gone out. We played a game of Jin and Rummy, and I won. Dally kept cussing me out because he wasn't used to losing. "This ain't fuckin fair! she's cheatin' I'm tellin ya!" Johnny drank some milk straight out of the carton, only to realize it had expired. we all made fun of him for the rest of the day.
the clock hit 8 and we decided to get going. We began our walk to the drive in and Johnny began clutching his stomach and hunching over. "you alright, Johnnycakes?" Dally asked putting his arm over his neck. "Yeah i'm fine." He replied.
We got to the drive in and I leaned on a car and pulled out a cigarette. I put it to my lips and looked over to see johnny hunched over holding his stomach and wincing. I walked over to him and put my arm on his back and asked if he was alright. "I don't know, man. I think I gotta get home. I-" He hunched over and wretched vomit all over my sweater. It dripped down his moth into my shirt.  He looked up right away with a sorrowful look in his eyes. "oh my god, i'm so s-" I shushed him. "It's alright, honey. are you alright? do you need me to bring you home?" I pushed my sleeve over my thumbs and wiped his chin off. "Oh shit," Pony boy said running towards us. "Johnny, you alright man?"  He looked up from the ground, me still holding him up. "Pony, do you think you can take me home?" Ponyboy grabbed his other arm and propped him up on himself. "I got you, man." He looked towards me. "You and Dal can stay. I'll take care of this" I asked if he was sure and he reassured me. poor Johnny, man. and poor me! my shirt was absolutely covered in vomit! I walked towards Dally. he was leaning on the fence lighting up a cigarette, shaking his match out. "Hey, sweetcakes. what the fuck is all over you sweater?" "Johnny threw up. Pony's taking him home now." Dallas shook his head. "He shouldn't have drank that fuckin' milk, man." I laughed. I took my sweater off to reveal my black lacey bra. "Wow, take me to dinner first!" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Can i have your jacket? I don't want to walk around in a bra." He smirked and said "So you wanna steal this jacket too, huh?" I laughed and pushed his shoulder. He finally gave it over to reveal his wife beater tank top underneath.
We walked over to the bathrooms to clean up the vomit. Dally insisted on helping, so he wet a paper towel and rubbed it down my chest. I felt the cold paper tower caress my breast bone and looked up to see him in a focused trance looking down at my chest. Fuck, man. Now that was hot. We started walking out of the bathrooms when we saw a familiar face walk in. It was Paul Holden, the jackass greaser that always drives his loud ass car around at night. After he walked by, Dally and I made the "oh my god it's him" face at each other. We started laughing and making fun of him when we saw his car parked at the back of the parking lot of the drive in. And that idiot left his keys in the ignition. Dally looked at me and smirked.

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