Chapter 4

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we started walking to the diner. I was still in my swimsuit and I was starting to shiver. "Damn, didn't know it got this cold in Oklahoma" I said as we walked. Dally turned to look at me and started taking off his leather jacket. "Here, take my jacket" he said, handing it over. I smiled. "thanks. Maybe you aren't such an asshole after all" He laughed. I put his jacket in, it was way too big and hanging off my shoulders.
When we got to the diner we grabbed a circular booth. I squeezed in between Dally and Ponyboy. A tall young lady wearing a waitress uniform came up to us. "hey guys, what can I get for ya?"
"I'll get a hamburger and a large coke hun" Dallas said, putting down his menu. I didn't like how he called her hun, which kind of confused me. was i jealous? no...
I ordered a strawberry milkshake with extra whipped cream, while the others ordered burgers and fries.
"They're showin' a movie down at the drive in on friday, I'm thinkin' of going down. Do y'all wanna come?" Two bit asked the group between bites of Steve's fries. "what are they showing?" Ponyboy asked. "oh, just that old movie Gone to the Wind or whatever."
"Gone with the wind! I love that movie!" I exclaimed. "Really?" ponyboy asked. "Yeah! I've read the book more times than I can count!" I said. "That's one of my favorites too. Have you seen any Hitchcock films?" Ponyboy asked. "Are you serious? He's literally the best director of all time!" I said. "He's so good at creating suspense. I swear I've seen Psycho a million times, and i was so excited when The Birds came out." "Yeah, those are some my favorites too. I heard they're showing the birds at the theatre on Sunday, i was planning on going, do you maybe wanna tag along?" I grinned. "I'd love to!"
As we ate, a sad, slow country song came on the jukebox. "Ugh, what is this crap?" I exclaimed. "yeah, they gotta play some Elvis in here!" soda exclaimed. I stood up beside the table and pulled out a nickel. "don't worry, I got this"
I put in my coin and chose "Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis Presley.  I smacked the Jukebox to skip to my song and it started playing. I started dancing along, swinging my arms up and down, doing the mashed potatoes. The boys were all smiling at me. "Come on!" I yelled at then while motioning with my hand. Two bit jumped over the booth, disturbing the old couple behind us, and coming over to my area. we all laughed and the other boys joined us in our dance. I twirled around with soda and we held hands and danced to the beat, our feet hitting the floor like in this Charlie brown cartoons. I noticed Dallas just standing there, leaning against the jukebox. I walked up to him and said, "why so shy?" He shook his head. "oh, I don't dance." I crossed my arms and smiled. "well now you do!"
I grappled his arm and pulled him away. I laced my fingered through his and started doing the twist. He kind of just stood there. "You big baby" I said as I grabbed into his hips and started twisting then manually. "see, you don't has to be good, you just need to have fun!" I said to him. He finally started warming up and shimmied his shoulders. I had him spin me and I purposely fell sideways, so that he'd have to dip me. The others noticed and started cheering.
When the song ended, I told him "See, you did really well!" He shook his head and said "never again" I put my hand in his shoulder. "I doubt that."
As we left, soda asked if I needed a walk home. "Oh, I'm fine. My house is just around the corner." I said. "you sure? you know it's dangerous out there?" he pushed. "Ill be fine. I'm a tough cookie."
We were about to part ways when I remembered. "Oh! Dallas! here's your jacket!" he turned to me and said "It's alright sweetcakes, you can keep it." "Are you sure?" I pressed. "Yeah," he said, nonchalant.
We said our goodbyes and exchanged phone numbers. As I was walking down the street I saw a baby blue mustang pull up to the side of the road. Immediately I knew, something bad was going to happen.

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