Chapter 5

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The mustang started slowing down, and i knew that i was really getting into trouble. A boy in a letterman jacket and blonde hair peaked his head out. there were about 4 more boys packed into that car, all older than me. I realized that it was the boys I had seen on my way to the lake, and my body began to tense up.
"Hey hon, what are you doing alone out here so late?" I could tell he was soused out of his mind. "I'm just walking home." I said as I continued walking. "What, did those greasers leave you all alone out here?" I paused. "you shouldn't be drinking and driving. It could kill you" I said, continuing to walk. He dodged my head observation. "You need a ride home?" the boy in the passengers seat asked while everyone in the back seat laughed. "I'm fine." I said, stone faced. "Nah, come on!" he said, beginning to jump out of the car. Oh shit, i'm in trouble now. "Baby, I can't just leave you out here all in your own! Lemme bring you over to my place, we can-" he grabbed onto my hip and began moving closer towards me. Fast as lightning, I sucker punched him square in the face. I pushed him back, making him almost fall over. there was blood on my knuckles and he was bent over holding his face. Oh shit, that was definitely not the right move. He picked his head back up. His nose was streaming blood and his lip was cut open. Silently, he turned to his friends. all of them were sitting there dumbfounded. "Guys, let's show this bitch some manners!" he yelled. The rest of the boys came running out of the car after me. I was fucked. I started running as fast as I could, but my heel caught a sidewalk curb. I hit the ground face first right as they caught up with me. Two of them grabbed me by the arms and picked me up. I started kicking and screaming, trying to get out of their grasp. "Help! Someone! Stop! let me go!" but my effort was to no avail. The blonde boy walked up in front of me. "This is what happens to feisty bitches. you will never get the upper hand honey! women are the weaker sex, prey, made for us men to hunt! And we, sweetheart, are the apex prea-" He swiftly closed his legs and made a sour face. He slowly started to fall to the ground, clenching his groin. Standing behind him was none other than Dallas, in steel toed boots. he had the whole gang with him, and the other boys knew they were screwed. The boy holding my left arm got punched in the face from the side by steve, spitting blood onto my face. the boy to my left was punched in the eye by soda, pushing him back making him almost pull me to the ground. The all ran away except for the blonde boy, who stayed laying on t he pavement holding his nuts and crying. "What the hell happened to his face?" Steve asked, panting. "Punched him when he got too close" I said. "Way to go, sweetcakes!" Dallas said, giving me a high five. He noticed my cheek bleeding. "God, are you alright?" he asked, holding my face in his hand. I turned away. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped," "we gotta get you back to our place" Sodapop said, grabbing my four arm. "wait," I said pulling away. I pulled a permanent marker out of my bag and drew a penis on the blonde boy's forehead, who was still laying on the ground. Everyone started laughing. "wait, one more!" I said pulling up his shirt. I removed his shirt off his body and drew a pair of breasts on his chest. Two bit was clutching his stomachs in laughter, pointing at him saying "Look at this dumbass!"
I put the marker away and started walking to the Curtis house. "Seriously, you alright? your still bleeding." asked Dally, holding my hand. I put my hand up to feel my cheek, and the blood was still dripping down, almost my neck. "Shit. I'm fine" I said. "I'll get you fixed up when we get home, okay?" he said, patting my back.

When we entered the home, dally took me to the bathroom right away. He picked me up by the waist and put me on the sink. I laughed, because his fingers pressing into my ribs tickled. He picked up a cotton ball and dipped it into some alcohol. he held my jaw in one hand and the cotton ball in the other, moving close in. I could see the sweat on his strong browbone. He put the cotton ball on my cheek and it stung so bad that i pulled away. "Ah, fuck!" I exclaimed. "Hey, I'm trying to help you, don't be a baby" I laughed. "Alright, Ill stop as long as you stop hurting me." he looked down and chuckled. He looked so cute when he did that. Yeah, I was definitely starting to catch feelings. "Thanks for saving me." I stated after a few seconds of silence. "No. This was all my fault. I should have never let you walk home alone. I knew it wasn't safe and I still let you go." He said turning away, getting angry. I reached out to hold his face. I grabbed him by the jawline and pulled his face towards mine. "You did nothing wrong. it was none of our faults, the only one we have to blame were those kids." I said, looking into his eyes. He turned away and banged on the side of the sink. "Goddamn socs. The world would be better if they were all just dead." He turned his head back towards me. "I was supposed to protect you from them and I failed. I'm sorry." he said, his thumbs caressing both of my cheeks. "no." I said, putting his ears between my fingers as my thumbs caressed his sharp jawline. "You didn't do anything wrong. you saved me. Thank you so much." I said, putting my forehead to his. He looked down at my lips, his mouth slightly open and his eyes looking tired and desperate. We slowly moved closer and closer, Our noses touching, our lips about to-
"GUYS MICKEY MOUSE IS ON" we heard being screamed from the living room. We both burst into laughter, and I slipped down off the sink. "That's great two bit!" we heard Ponyboy yell. We went out to the kitchen and I spotted a new boy. He was actually more like a man, with strong arms and shoulders standing at about 6'3. I looked to ponyboy, who was sitting at the kitchen table. "Oh! Y/N! this is me and soda's big brother Darry" Darry put his hand out for me to shake. "Oh! nice to meet you! I've heard a lot about you!" I said, shaking his rock hard hands. "What happened to your face?" he asked me. I looked and saw ponyboy shaking his head and motioning his hand, signing "NO STOP NOW"
"Oh, I actually tripped on a curb. Damn heels."
Darry silently nodded his head and looked at Dallas. "Take care of her. Make sure she doesn't get any more hurt." Dally put his arm around my shoulders. "I will, but don't worry about her. She's one tough cookie." He said, rustling my hair. I smiled. I loved it when people called me tough. "Anybody want some chocolate milk?" Darry yelled. "OO ME ME" we heard from the living room as two bit came running out. "I'll have some" ponyboy said. "me too!" yelled Sodapop. "Same!" yelled the rest of the boys. "That sounds great!" I said.
We all went into the living room to watch some T.V. Two bit sat 5 inches away while everyone else sat in the couch. There wasn't much room, so i decided I'd sit on the ground. "Hey, you can come sit up here" Said Johnny. I had barely heard from him all day. I smiled, thanked him, and sat right next to him. The chocolate milk was heavenly, and everyone slowly started going to sleep. Johnny fell asleep with his head back, but it slowly started to fall to my side. It fell onto my shoulder. He looked so peaceful, And I didn't want to move him, so I let him rest. As I started getting sleepy, I sneezed really loudly. I felt Johnny get up quickly. "so sorry! didn't mean to wake you up!" I whispered. "sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. I'll go." He looked so embarrassed, and I felt so bad. "Hey it's fine! come here you little dummy, it's easier to sleep when we're with someone." I said pulling him towards me. I held my arms around him and he laid against me. I could feel him get warm from blushing, and grabbed into him like a little teddy bear. I really like johnny, he was so sweet and pure. I almost couldn't believe he was in a gang. He was super shy and reserved, like a little puppy dog. I felt like he was safe in my arms, and this sense of safety lulled me to sleep.

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