They didn't have that distance anymore, but in a way those names became a way to be closer to each other in their own way and now it was a reminder of where they started and re-claiming it.

"No tactics here, Agent Hotchner" she tilted her head with a small smile, her hands dancing softly up his arms, across his shoulders to cup behind his neck, "just trying to prove your point."

"And what point would that be?" He couldn't help leaning in, intoxicated by her sweet lips where his eyes flickered down to automatically.

"That I need to take a break" she gently pulled him down the rest of the way onto her, their lips meeting.

Affection and mirth danced between them as their hands ran up and down each other, not a care for the paper work they were led upon as Hotch caressed the wisps of hair that swept along her cheek just as his fingers always longed to do, but just as Cameron was taking off Hotch's t-shirt, the doorbell rang.

"You got a doorbell?" Hotch quizzed against her lips.

"It's Zach's, he's visiting Peter in Washington before he flies off on the next round of trips so I offered to take his doorbell speaker so I can sign for parcels for them, Peter get's a lot of 'PR' stuff now apparently" she explained as Hotch sat up and helped her up, buttoning back up her own shirt and planting a soft kiss on Hotch's arm before she got up from the bed and walked out of the bedroom.

"Hi- sorry, over here" Cameron opened the door to the apartment hallway, spotting the delivery man ringing the bell and knocking on Zach's door before he turned to her.

"They've gone out of town- I can sign for it" she smiled.

"I mean I'm not meant to get neighbours to sign for things..." he looked around and checked his watch, "but I'm like 20 minutes behind schedule so... sure."

He hastily chucked her the package and rushed off down the stairs as his device bleeped for his next order.

"Good luck" Cameron chuckled and turned back to go into the apartment, pausing when she looked briefly at the shipping label that said it should be 3 packages when she was only given 1.

"Oh- wait!" She ran back into the hallway but he was gone, "shoot."

She barely had time to grab her shoes before she ran down the complex stairs to find him, spotting the delivery van down the street.

"Ah ha! Wait-" she ran over but just as she got closer, it pulled off and turned down a few streets that led to the freeway, "hold on!"

Cameron eventually realised she wouldn't catch up to a literal car and paused out of breath at the end of the next street over- she really didn't like running.

"Sorry Zach" she apologised to the package, making a mental note to call the delivery company and explain the situation, hoping not to get a fine for signing for someone else's package, pausing when she heard something down the alley next to her.

The small whimper sound made her turn her head, just about making out the silhouette of a dog as the sun came up.

"Hey there, are you okay? Are you lost?" She spoke in a soft tone as she approached it, spotting a loose lead on the floor by it.

The dog walked back slightly but not out of fear, almost as if it wanted her to follow it as it kept looking back at her and pausing.

"Do you need help getting home?" She followed it, now very aware as the cold air hit her that she was just in her oversized shirt and pyjama shorts.

The dog disappeared around the corner back onto her street as she followed it to the end of the road where she heard something around the corner that made the dog cower and run behind her legs.

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