Am I In Heaven? (No Ship)

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Seven yelped when he fell overboard the rocket, hanging onto the siding.

The numberblocks had decided that Numberland wasn't big enough to fit all of them anymore, so they had built a rocket that should be big enough to carry them all somewhere else.

It was going perfectly fine until they hit their first asteroid. The rock ripping a hole in the side of the entire thing.

It wasn't all of the oxygen being sucked out that was worrying them, it was being sucked out and being lost to the abyss of space forever, as they didn't need to breathe air.

"Seven! Hang on! We'll get you!" One called.

"Yes! Just stay where you are!" Five added.

Seven held fast, hoping that if his luck decides to strike, it mind as well be now.

"Okay! I'll be right here!" He saluted, nearly losing his grip.

As Five and One went to go get a rope, Eight had crawled over and used the suction on his arms (or legs) to get as close as possible.

"Can you reach my hand?"

Seven less worried than everyone combined, laughed and tried to grab the tentacle.

"Nope! We need something else!" He grinned.

Eight facepalmed.

"Why are you so happy? You are literally hanging on for your life!"

"I know!" Seven laughed, "Isn't it fun?"

"How is this fun!?"

"I get a great view of Numberland from here, and space is really pretty!"

"Just... just don't fall."

When all the air eventually was sucked out into the vacuum that was space, the air pulling Seven down suddenly stopped, causing him the have a harder time staying with the side panel, as zero gravity did its job.

Eight also had a bit of a hard time, as his tentacles had nothing to fight against whenever he tried to release his suction, doing so in space would send him nearly flying away himself.

"We're back! Use this Eight!"

One threw the rope down to Eight, getting ready to pull...

Except, the rope didn't go down, it simply flew and wiggled around.

"Well this is a problem!" Seven adjusted his grip and tried to reach for it, "We can't get it."

One pulled it back in, throwing it again, this time, it landed directly next to Eight.

"Got it! Here Seven, grab this."

Seven was about to, but he gasped in delight, pointing.



The rock was huge, and if it hit the space ship in its current state, everyone inside would surely be crushed.

The PA rang over the chaos.

"Attention all Numberblocks! I'm going to have to move the ship. Are Eight and Seven back inside yet?" Ten called.

"Negetive! We need more time!" One shouted.

"I have to move it now, hopefully they can hang on."

Eight frantically tied the rope to Seven, holding onto it and hoping they'd last the move.

"Ooooh, It's really pretty! See the crystals?" Seven asked, "They're making rainbows!"

"Seven, not now."

"Okay! When are we moving?"

"Now. So hang on!"

Soon, the whole ship buckled and started to move, Eight hanging on and Seven still hanging onto the panel.


But that suddenly gave way, and Seven flew further out into space, the rope being the only thing to keep him with the ship.

"Wow! This is fun!"

"Seven! Uh. Just try to climb back here! Okay!?"

"Okie dokie!"

Seven started pulling back the rope, getting closer and closer to the ship when suddenly..


Ten was too slow, and the whole thing exploded into flames as the asteroid collided with it.

Seven felt worry, fear, and sadness all at once.


He could see everyone in the ship panicking and running around, trying to escape.

Seven had the horrible feeling that none of them were going to get out alive.

Then, he saw Eight, still attached the side, watching in horror as he was almost pelted with bits of the rock.


He looked up and saw him, and his struggling ceased.

The superhero took the rope, and ripped it in half, waving and giving him a warm smile.

Seven whimpered as he drifted farther away from his friends, further into a dark world he didn't know.

Numberland then popped into his mind.

He could go there! If he could get close enough, and just make one more One, she could start over. They'd get another chance!

He'd get another chance...

Swimming with newfound excitement, Seven pushed himself to make it to their old planet, hoping desperately that this attempt wouldn't be in vain.

As soon as he reached the beginnings of the atmosphere, however, he started to burn.

If he launched One now she wouldn't last long.

He had to endure, he had to get there.

For his friends.

When the ground came into view, Seven launched her, removing his head and throwing it with all he had left.

Then, a bright flash appeared.

He was standing in front of Five, who was observing him with an innocence that he hasn't seen in a long time.

".....I am Seven!" He yelled, delighted that his plan had worked.

He hoped so at least, he had to make sure.

"..Am I in Heaven?"

Five giggled, "No, you're in Numberland!"

Seven clapped his hands. It did work! Just wait until he told Eight what he did. He'd be so proud!


What did he do again?

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