Inventing and Helping (No ship)

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Oneshot idea, Two can invent like the Terrible Twos:

Two strolled around at Terrible Two's hideout, looking for something that seemed interesting or remotely fun.

"Maybe I might find something to help Spiderbl- Octoblock, defeat them quicker.."

He passed the Dimensionator on his way out, seeing the marvel of machinery and finely crafted gears set in place to make it tick, Two stopped.

The machine itself was practically a clock, ticking away and keeping everything going the way its meant to.

Two was fascinated by the science and care that was used to build such an extravagant contraption. Looking around for anyone, he stepped over to get a closer look.

He wasn't supposed to be here, it was against the rules, not that anybody came anyway, you'd have to be completely out of your mind to do that.

He guessed he was out of his mind.

Two wished that he could take it apart, to explore and touch every little thing that made it work, to see what makes it tick, how long it can, does it need to be oiled?

He ran a hand along it, "It's beautiful.." he whispered breathlessly, "I wish I could've been there, to see what was put together to make you....."

Then an idea sparked.

Could he?

Two turned and ran back to his house, grabbing his tools and dumping them on the floor outside. Shifting through them and going to get some parts.

As soon as he had touched the screwdriver to get started, he felt like every possibility of what he could create opened itself up, everywhere he looked that there was metal, there was million little trinkets or several big mechanical instruments just waiting to be created.

Two laughed, never had he felt more comfortable with something like this, it was as if he was doing this all his life.

Maybe he could just try what they did, make a dimensionator for the good guys. So Spiderblo- Octoblock. He corrected his thoughts, he has no idea why he has the massive urge to call him that.

That aside, now Octoblock, would have something of his own to use for good.

The thought of his machines being used to help others and do good made his hands tingle with excitement, more eager than ever now to get started on such a big project.

"But.. What if I don't know how?.. I don't have the blueprints, or anything to help me.."

He had subconsciously took a paper and a pencil and started drawing, imagining the Dimensionator being taken apart, drawing what he imagined inside of it.

When he looked down again, he gasped.

There, lo and behold, what he imagined what the schematics would look like.

He smiled and got to work.

Two stepped back from his creation, seeing as he was finished, looking down to the blueprints, he grinned.

Perfect match.

He had done it.

"I did find something to help Octoblock.. Me."

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