Triple T Strikes Again!

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AKA: Two is not okay

The recent discovery of times tables opened up new doors for the Numberblocks, allowing them to hold even more gatherings in order to get to know them.

Today was the day that they held a gathering in order to celebrate the introduction of them.

Everyone was to hang around their own time table, and if you didn't have one, then you can go to the times table that contains your number.

So Six could go with the One, Two, and Three times tables, but not the Four or Five.

Hence why Two was only staying by the One Times Table.

Not only because One was there, but because he wanted to avoid the Two Times Table.

It's not that he didn't like the Two Times Table..

He just...overwhelmed him a little.

He seemed so outspoken and bold, he could fly and sing, like everything Two could do, he could do and more.

Kinda like Twenty.

This also why they weren't very close, Twenty was always off doing his own thing whilst Two couldn't stray from his friend group for over a minute without feeling insecure.

It was odd when people assumed that they got along well, or that they had a very close bond. Because both of them would have to spend nearly an hour explaining why being ten multiples meant they weren't just automatically best buds.

Twenty and the Two Times Table both were better than him on any day.

It didn't hurt him, he was okay with that, he liked spending time with One anyways, he kicked his feet back and forth as he watched both Three, Four, and Five get to know their times tables. Quite content on his shady bench area under a tree, he hummed a little song he made up and started braiding the grass blades together.

'They must be having fun.' Two thought, shifting his gaze to the Two Times Table, who was currently racing Eighteen, showing off his rockets and using Nineteen of them to keep the lead.

"I have unlimited rockets you know! This was a bad idea on your part!" He laughed, "Eighteen rays won't beat 19 rockets!"

Eighteen then proceeded to shoot more fire out of his rays, giving him a lot more speed than it should have and shot past him in a blur. Much to the table's utter shock.

"You have a lot more potential than I thought." He smiled, "Keep at it."

Eighteen whooped and bro-hugged Fourteen in celebration, smiling when Fourteen started showing him the footage that Eighteen had no knowledge about, "You absolute genius!"

"Was there ever any doubt?" The skater laughed.

Two sadly observed his tap shoes, wishing that he could do something that'll make his table as happy as Eighteen had made him, but he wasn't all that special. Tap dancing was Twenty's thing, and Twenty could do it better, not mention more dances Two never even heard of.

He only had prime positions..

Twenty could fill the void anyways, Two Times Table could make it without him.

"Two?" One sat next to him, a slight hint of concern lacing her voice, her times table tailing her, "Why are you over here again?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" Two stuttered, making room for them on the wooden bench, "I haven't moved at all."

"Wait..You mean you still haven't met the Two Times Table yet?"

"Uh...I mean.." He tapped his hands together, nervousness bubbling up, "I've been here since you both started"

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