Energy Potion

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If you're feeling really low energy, this fruit water can help! Whether you need energy to get through school, do homework, go to a dance class, or practice trumpet, this will help you!

You will need:

- A cup of cold water
- Lemon juice
- Your favourite fruits
- A sprig of mint (optional)

Add the water and say:

"This water cleanses me"

Add the lemon juice and say

"This lemon juice lets me do what I need to happily"

Add the fruit and mint and say

"This fruit (and mint) gives me energy"

Stir clockwise while saying "I attract positive energy to help me finish my tasks" and then stir counter clockwise and say "All feelings of low energy leave me fast!"

Then say "mote it be" and clink your spoon against the cup to top it off. Then drink it!

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