Truth Spell

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You will need:

- 1 purple candle
- Lemongrass, ginger, or peppermint essential oil
- Some sort of divination method

Before the spell, divine whether or not you are ready to hear the truth and whether or not you should cast the spell.
If you can't do or don't believe in divination, you can ask the Universe for a sign (ie a blue butterfly) if you should do it and a sign (ie an orange flower) if you shouldn't do it, or you can find someone who can do divination for you.

Dress your candle by rubbing 2-3 drops of essential oil on it while thinking of people telling you the truth.

Now light the candle while saying this spell:

No more can I just let it be,
The truth shall now be given to me.
Now, to their games I am wise.
I shall no longer be blinded by their lies.
The truth is what I wish to see,
By my will, mote it be.

Once you say the spell, put out the candle.


To hear the truth from one specific person, say this spell instead of the one above:

No more can I just let it be,
From (name), the truth is given to me.
Now, to (name)'s games I am wise.
I shall no longer be blinded by (name)'s lies.
(Name)'s truth is what I wish to see,
By my will, mote it be.

To hear the truth ABOUT one specific person, say this spell instead of the ones above:

No more can I just let it be,
The truth about (name) is given to me.
Now, to their games I am wise.
I shall no longer be blinded by their lies.
The truth about (name) is what I shall see,
By my will, mote it be.


Be careful with this! The truth can be damaging. Really, really think about whether you want this or not before you do it!

And do not skip the divination, PLEASE!!

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