Chapter 17

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a little over a year ago

Clouds shroud the sky, rolling towards the shore and obscuring more and more sunlight as it does. Though it's still daytime, it doesn't feel like it. A storm is coming. You can smell the rain, musky and fresh. It's pleasant, but your senses focus more on the scent of the ocean, which you're currently ankle deep in.

It all sounds distant, like you're not really there even though you can feel the water lapping over your toes. The sensation becomes further and further in between, the tide receding in preparation for the downpour that's to come.

Your gaze falls to the waves, which have become more rampant and out of control. There's still people out in the water. You can make out their figures. Though hazy, they become more apparent the closer they get to the shoreline. They're trying to make it back before the storm hits.

You're frantically searching their faces, narrowing your eyes to help you focus more clearly, but you don't see him. You don't find the man you're looking for.

Subconsciously, you know that you hadn't come alone. You were with someone, but you're struggling to remember who it was.

Was it Yoongi? Did you come to the beach with your brother?

Almost immediately, your mind chides you for your curiousity.

No, you showed up with someone else. Think harder.

You continue to scour everyone at the beach, hoping for some sort of recognition, but you're met with nothing. No one looks familiar. Not even a little bit.

Maybe you should follow everyone else. Maybe they're waiting for you at the car.

You're about to turn over you shoulder when you realize you can't move. Your feet remain planted in the wet sand, body frozen all except for your eyes.

What's going on? Why can't you leave?

A shaky breath escapes your parted lips, frustrated that your legs aren't doing what you want them to. They won't budge no matter your efforts.

Shit. How're you going to get out of here?

The light breeze from before becomes wild, hitting you with a much stronger force. When it does, your skin starts to tingle. You're soaking wet, and the plain mauve two-piece you're wearing isn't doing much to keep you from freezing, making you all the more irritated.

Whoever the hell you're waiting for better show up. And soon, because you're fucking cold.

For a few seconds, all you can think about is how you wish you had a towel or that all the people rushing past you would've been more thoughtful and given you one. But not a single soul stops. No one even spares you a glance. They all just want to get to their cars and warm up while you stay here chilling your ass off.

So much for basic human decency.

All of that is fleeting though because the next thing you know, you're yelling. You're screaming someone's name, and for the first time, you recognize something since you've been standing there.

You know this name. It belongs to the one person you had been dreaming about, to some sketch you drew and that became real.

Jeon Jungkook, just who the fuck are you?

a/n: i know this is a super short chapter but it is necessary! jk why'd you leave y/n all alone at the beach? and now we know for sure, he's an actual person. well, he was before she drew him. i hope things are kind of starting to make sense to you all. like with jungkook and who he was to y/n before all this. but...why can't y/n remember him? if you have any theories, i'd love to hear them! also, i'll probably update again later today because i'm in a writing mood!

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