Heartless: Eleven

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"Why the fuck you guys didn't called me?". The young boy yelled, glaring his two elders.

"How are we supposed to call you? We didn't had our phones with us at that time". His elder mate Beomgyu spoke.

"Hyung, I didn't mean it in that way. Use your brain—

"Guys, stop fighting!". Soobin spoke, earning all his younger mates' attention. "Right now, we need to think how we will prove Yeonjun hyung innocent".

"But, didn't Yeonjun hyung actually abused Hayrin?". HueningKai asked.

"He did, but it was all for Baeyoon. We need to prove that Hayrin was the who killed Baeyoon and she blamed it on Yeonjun hyung". Soobin explained.

"And, people believed that?". Taehyun asked as Soobin nodded his head.

"Yes, they believed it and because of that hyung was absent for a month and when he came back to school, he was completely a different person".

"Dumbshits". Taehyun cursed under his breathe.

"Why did Hayrin blamed it on Yeonjun hyung?". HueningKai asked.

"We don't know, she will only tell that by herself".

"And how are we gonna do that?". Beomgyu asked.

Soobin thought for a moment, it was hard to defense anything about Yeonjun knowing that he was actually a culprit. But, if we looked at the bright side he did all this just to give justice to Baeyoon.

He just wanted Hayrin to accept her mistake, but she was too stubborn and so he had to choose the wrong path.

He is still the same Yeonjun, but shielded with trust issues, mix of feelings, betrays and heartless.

The four boys sat together under their head-out's roof. Thinking for a better plan to save their hyung.

"Listen". Soobin cleared his throat. "We all know that Yeonjun hyung was actually a culprit for bullying and Hayrin was his victim but, he had a reason".

"He just wanted Hayrin to accept her mistake, which made him to choose the wrong path and, we need to show that Yeonjun hyung is innocent and Hayrin is the real culprit here".

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