Heartless: Six

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"And then, Bubbles ate the bee".

The girl spoke, nose scrunched and lips pouting due to the amount disgust she felt, while her brows were furrowed together. Yeonjun threw a pit of laughter, more than the story, Baeyoon's face looked funnier.

The two couple sat together under a blossom tree in their school's ground, enjoying one another's company. It was Baeyoon, being the talkative one while the boy listened to her every words.

She shared about the tale of her pet rabbit Bubbles, eating a honeybee instead of her food.

"I got so worried, when she ate that big-yellow bug".

"What happened later?". The boy asked.

"Nothing serious, the bee came out with Bubbles' poo". Baeyoon answered, as the boy laughed again.

"Stop laughing". She slightly hit his shoulder. "I'm sure my Bubbles was hurt". She held her cheeks.

"I'm sure it did, after all it was a big-yellow bug". The boy spoke, more like he teased her with her own words but Baeyoon didn't reacted.

She was too innocent to feel that her friend was teasing her.

"Baeyoon". Yeonjun called, earning the girl's attention.


"What are your hobbies?". He asked.

"I don't have hobbies..". Baeyoon thought for a moment. "Oh wait- I like singing and painting stuffs".

"You can sing?". The boy asked.

"Not much". Baeyoon scratched the back of her head.

"Sing for me".

She was taken a back from Yeonjun's request.

"Now?". She asked, as Yeonjun nodded his head.


"I'll go get my phone from class, stay here". Yeonjun didn't listened to his friend's full words, and ran from there leaving the girl alone.

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