
"Please don't mess with his feelings, this sport, uni, it's his safe place and him bringing you into it is a massive thing for him. I thought he was pulling my leg saying you knew about the sport, but it's clear that you do, it's clear that you're actually a lot like him. And it's clear that he really likes you, so please don't-"

"Don't worry, I would never, he means a lot to me" she smiled, glancing down at her anklet, knowing that it was official. She saw the anklet just like Theo saw his chain. It was a reminder of the other, only the other could touch it, and they'd never take it off.

"Good, that's good to hear" he nodded, as Naomi watched him continue to watch the team train.

She could see that Coach really cared about his players secretly because he never would let them know. She could also tell the man was also very bad at expressing his feelings and him saying what he said about Theo was a big deal for him.

"Eh-hem, so training is finished" Coach cleared his throat, trying to ease the awkwardness of what he had just said to her

"Yeah I know you can blow the whistle now" she laughed at the man who was clearly embarrassed of his warning when he realised how much Theo and Naomi liked each other and there was nothing to worry about

Blowing his whistle, Coach Hale beckoned the players over, "Good session boys, seeing a huge improvement in all of you"

"Yeah cause of Mimi" Gibbs - one of the first years - pointed out

"Mimi?" Naomi questioned, obviously knowing it was a nickname but they'd never called her that before

"Well yeah, your name is Naomi so we thought as a team to start calling you Mimi since everyone on the team has a nickname" Douglas added

"They do?" She questioned, confused as to when she'd ever heard the boys call each other nicknames and if they did, did Theo have one?

"Well we mean calling each other by our last names, but we didn't know yours so we're calling you Mimi" Young decided to explain since Naomi looked more confused than ever

"You don't mind do you?" Crawford asked, not wanting to weird her out since she had only been training them for five days. Harry Crawford also knew that Theo had done the right job in putting Naomi's name forward because he knew none of the other boys would of made improvements like she had - so he was glad, he had even stopped trying to sneak off early from training to smoke because he didn't want to get cussed by Naomi.

"No, I just don't really do nicknames but I guess if you've all unanimously decided on it, sure" she smiled, glancing down at her phone to check how much longer she had until Theo arrived

Three more minutes

She was being honest when she said she didn't do nicknames as the last person who gave one to her didn't exactly leave her with a good memory - but at least this one was a different form of her name.

"Call me Mimi if you want, genuinely I do not mind. I'm no longer keeping you here - you're all free to go home now - training is finished, thank you for coming later than you usually would" she called after them as they began to walk to the changing rooms, knowing that they never usually had training this late but she had to change it since she was at her internship this morning and everyone was more than happy to change for her

Waiting On You [18+]Where stories live. Discover now