"I'm not going back there, Tae, you know that," you sigh, "Now spill everything you know," You sat down as Taehyung's lingering figure sat down. Hoseok was still protective over you, so he had made sure to keep a distance from Taehyung, hence why Hoseok was holding you beside him.

"What more do you need to know? Now, you know who the killer is...." Taehyung mumbles, "I'm just here to –"glancing at Hoseok –"bring you away from danger. Do you need to know more?"

"Taehyung, you were alive all this time. Where were you?" you asked him, "I thought – you – you were dead. I don't understand how you could just let me go through all of that. I trusted you!"

"I drink the tea, love, Namjoon will be suspicious if he doesn't. I had my reasons!" Taehyung started to fume.

"Reasons? You want me to believe you had reasons, and you want me to just say okay?" you asked him, "Taehyung, how are you still alive?"

"The dosage inside the tea was not enough to kill me," he explained, "I want to explain love, but –"

Taehyung then glances at Hoseok, who is giving him looks. Taehyung then huffs as he slumps to the sofa back, "Love, would you mind getting me some tea?"

"What – who are you to ask me –"

"Go, Anne, I'm not going to hurt my brother." Taehyung's sharp words were enough to make you uneasy. You should ask doctors about Taehyung's behaviour. Taehyung always quips his words to Hoseok. You're not stupid. Those two had tension they needed to solve, so you sighed as you stood up.

"Let's get this over with. I'm taking Anne with me," Taehyung said, and Hoseok couldn't help to scoff.

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