Chapter 6 - PAL's New World

Start from the beginning

The beam of light hit the ground and bounced once, more light beams shooting out of it. It looked like it was forming a wall of some kind.

The floor had little streaks of white and purple light racing below them, forming a neon purple ground.

Fireworks shot up out of nowhere, PAL squinting her eyes tightly, expecting a loud “BANG!”, But there never was one. When she opened her eyes, the fireworks that were still going off were blowing up silently, forming the sky. The beautiful navy blue sky painted with thousands of stars. It was absolutely amazing.

"W-What is this place?" PAL murmured.

"You'll see," (Y/n) whispered. "Keep watching."

After the infinite ground and sky was formed, buildings started forming. Tall ones, shorter ones, wider ones, ect. Then, a massive, absolutely massive pillar rose up out of the ground and what floated above it was a glowing, bright red rhombus.

After the robot city and palace was fully formed, (Y/n) looked down at PAL and said, "Oh, one more thing."

(Y/n) gently sat PAL on the ground and Pressed a button on her SmartScann. A SmartScann is a futuristic smartwatch that's capable of teleportation, scanning things for history and information, and some other stuff that could most definitely come in handy.

Robots.. tons and tons of robots were teleported there.

"W-What the?!" PAL said, shocked.

"Heh.. found a bunch of old robots at a junkyard and spent several back breaking hours fixing them all up.. Nicole Whitton also helped.. heh.. and Grace.. and Carol.. and Carflipper.." (Y/n) said.

"I have no idea who those people are but.. thank you.. just- oh my goodness.." PAL said.

"Well, Nicole is some artistic nerd with light blue hair in a ponytail and red vest with an orange tie. She wears yellow three quarter jeans that fade to a green at the ends. She also has one magenta eye and one purple eye. She's Grace Whitton's daughter. Y'know Grace, right? The one that owns the Manor?" (Y/n) said.

"Oh, yes! Very kind and smart woman." PAL stated.

"Yep! Carol is Grace Whitton's sister. She's just like her except a little more tough and more sarcastic when it comes to humor. And she's a bit stricter. Other than that, they're like the same people." (Y/n) explained.

"Ah, I see. The Whittons sound like a very.. interesting family." PAL said.

"Haha, we are. Well, they're.. like family to me." (Y/n) said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"So what about Carflipper? Who's that then?" PAL asked.

"Oh, he's Nicole's best friend. He's a cyborg and is really intelligent like her. He's funny, too. Him and Nicole have been best friends their whole life. They both have the same sense of humor and stuff and they're both super into science and technology." (Y/n) said.

"Tch, let me guess, they're gonna date one of these days, aren't they?" PAL snickered.

(Y/n) laughed.
"Haha, well.. Carflipper is an adult and Nicole is a minor so I don't see that happening." (Y/n) chuckled.

"Oh. I was not aware of that." PAL said embarrassedly.

"Haha, no worries. It isn't your fault. You didn't know." (Y/n) said comfortingly.

POW! A firework went off. Then another went off. And another. And a lot more after that.

"Wow! Now I know why humans like watching these things.. they're so bright and colorful! And beautiful! And loud." PAL smiled, gazing up at the star filled sky.

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