That was another reason I’d ended it. I had never actually played Heather, but she wasn’t right for me. Beth was my soul mate, true love, other half. But then again, why was I doing this? I wasn’t really sure, but Heather wouldn’t stop bugging me to go out with her on at least one date.

All of a sudden, I heard the music playing in the background.

I give her all my love,

That’s all I do.

And if you saw my love,

You’d love her too.

That was our song. ‘And I Love Her’ by the Beatles. Why the hell did I have to go and complicate things with Heather? I honestly didn’t know what I was doing.

“Baby! Listen to me,” Heather whined, and a smirk played on my lips at the fact I’d been annoying her by zoning out. I usually don’t zone out, so I can see her frustration (I guess), and I thought how cute it was when Beth zoned out. Again, that damn pang.

I really needed to stop thinking about Beth and enjoy today with Heather. I’d told Beth that I had something to do today, and she said that was fine. I prayed to God that she wouldn’t ask what I did today. 

I looked at Heather, checking her out. She had her curly brunette hair down, her bangs pulled back. She was wearing a white v neck, showing a generous amount of cleavage, and short shorts. I started thinking about all the girls I’d used and hurt.

Eventually my mind wandered to Beth, once again that pang.

“Why won’t you listen to me?” Heather asked, once again whining. Even that was hot in her accent.

“Babe, stop being a bitch and I will, I have other things to do,” I said before I could stop the words from coming out of my mouth. That shut her up.

I enjoyed my meal as she didn’t whine, and when the bill came I paid and we left. We walked around, our hands intertwined as I let her lead me wherever she wanted to go.

She had apparently taken us to Bath & Body Works; I noticed once I walked in as I breathed in and it smelled horrible.

“Baby, why here?” I asked absentmindedly.

“Stop complaining,” Heather said demandingly.

I looked around the store, my eyes landing on someone’s Converse. I slowly brought my eyes up their body, and I must say they had a nice figure that was showed off by the fit of their jeans and shirt. I saw long straight beautiful blonde hair as I met the gorgeous blue eyes of no one other than Beth. I ripped my eyes away, maintaining the smile I had had before I entered the store.

Why the hell did Heather have to choose this store?

I looked back at where Beth had been, only to see an empty space. I looked around to see she was standing with her friends that I recognized as Ali and Kathy. I looked at what Heather was looking at, not really processing whatever I was looking at.

I turned my head to see Beth’s blank face as she gently brushed against my shoulder, walking out of the store.

She looked unfazed, whereas I was dying inside.

And she didn’t even care.


Elizabeth’s POV

I ran and ran, not going anywhere in particular. I thanked God that I had worn my tennis shoes that day, or I would’ve died from my feet hurting. I eventually found myself on the beach, and I ripped my socks and shoes off, throwing them into a pile that I would collect later. I rolled my jeans up to my knees and I walked barefoot to the edge of the water. 

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