Chapter 17: Country visit shenanigans

Start from the beginning

Mom then laughed and said "Of course you all will meet again"

Suddenly all of them pulled me in a hug

'Oi its not like we'll never meet eachother anymore!!'

"We'll miss you!!" Alice.

After few minutes they have finally calmed down and let me go, damn their grip were quite strong, I'll miss them.

And with that i saud my farewell to everyone.

We walked away from the location and goes into the forest in front of us...

While walking i keep wondering... Will we still be able to meet eachother right? Slimes don't age right? Plus we're special slimes...

Just thinking about it made me feel sad, i feel sad knowing that i might outlived everyone else, being a monster that has a human friends comes with a price, you don't know wether your friends will still be there for you as time goes on...

Mom noticed my expression and decided to pat me "You know... You can still meet them right?"

"Mhm" i nodded and looked at the sky. The sky is quite clear today, birds chirping in the forest and few bugs wandering around.

I just noticed something... "Why don't we use {Spatial Movements}?"

Mom just said "I just feel like walking right now, plus you seem like in the mood for a walk"

I just giggled.

An hour has passed and we finally arrived in tempest, we decided to fly instead of using {Spatial Movements} so we can see the scenery while going home.

It was beautiful

Upon landing we got greeted by everyone.

"Rimuru-sama, Lylas-sama welcome home!!" They all cheered for us.

We waved at everyone, i noticed this place is bigger now than it was before i went into the Academy. Suddenly we can see people get thrown one by one in the crowd. We're on our battle stances in case of emergency, that is untill we saw who the perpetrator was...

Shion suddenly barging in and went to Hug both of us, we want to escape but its useless. Shion already lunged at us at a high speed.

"RIMURU-SAMA, LYLAS-SAMA I MISS YOU TWO!!" she said while crying.

Resustance is futile, we stayed like this untill Shuna grabbed shion and bring her away from us.

"Well that was weird"

I went to home and just stayed there like a good child, i sat at the couch while eating some cookies, seeing that i ran out of it, i went to the kitchen and starts looking for another jar of cookie.

By the way Mom said we're going to Dwargon tomorrow, she said i can choose to go or just stay at home. Im kinda interested in the place since i never went there before, so i decided to go.

"Ah there we go, the cookie jar"

I went back to the couch and do the same thing again, after i ran out if the cookies i get bored and decided to sleep anyway, lets see what Uncle Veldora is up to.

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