Chapter 9: Mindless Catastrophe Part 2

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I woke up from my sleep as of today the Battle with Charybdis will starts, also i heard Great sage said something last night but i can't clearly hear what she said...


Bah, its probably nothing important. Today starts like super Normal day, Nothing interesting happened, i got up early, ate my breakfast, have a walk in the town, greet everyone i saw. Its pretty much a Really Normal day.

with the adittion of flying sharks and a really big monster heading towards this place...

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE!!" i shouted while pointing the obvious one eyed giant flying in the air

"that's Charybdis" - Milim

That thing... Is the Ruler of Skies!? I'd expect for it to have a better appearance though.

Right Right where are we again? Oh yeah.

I'm currently sitting near a tree with Auntie, She seems... Bored. Well i guess i can understand why. She's a Demon Lord after all, Seeing this kind of Enemy must've been really tempting.

She was playing with small ants, ants...

Well not that i mind, i better watch the others battling those creatures. Also there's a reason why im not escorted into Dwargon. Auntie is here, so everything is fine, I can tell its not the first time she has ever defeated this creature.

She really wanted to help that bad huh...

Well let's continue watching...

Hmmm the Goblin Riders are fighting the Megalodon Head on. Wait, why are they retreating.

Then suddenly the Megalodon was cut into pieces by none other than the Master Swordsman himself Hakurou-sensei. I felt chill ran down my spine, wait do i even have one?

Then let's watch hmm... Souei-san.

Hey He rode that fish!! AWESOME!! And he used that fish to attack the other fish

"Whoa, that guy controlled one of the Megalodon to attack the Megalodons!!" - Milim

"That's cool!!" I said with full excitement

"You know what will make this battle much cooler?" - Milim

"What is it?"

"If only i could join the battle..." - Milim said as she played with her fingers

"Don't worry Auntie, Im sure you will help soon!!"

"Yeah..." - Milim

"Im going to keep watching the battle"

I watched Geld-san, It seems like he can't hold that Megalodon much longer. Hey Gabiru-san stomped that Megalodon!! Its interesting to see two sides that was having a war Few Months ago becoming ally, at least thats what i was told by Mom and everyone.

The Orc Lord invasion, the great famine that attacked the Orcs. Making them really desperate and starts trembling the forest's ground.

Hey you can't blame me, i don't know much details about it because i was born Right after the battle ended!!

Now let's see who's to observe...


Ahh there they are

Shion-san and Ranga!!

Shion-san rode Ranga and Slash trough the Megalodons, they succesfully landed on Charybdis's, they ran and starts cutting the Outter layer, altough it didn't do much since it just regenerates after few minutes.

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