Chapter 20: Those who fought behind the line

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It was another busy day in the monster country of Tempest, the day that won't be forgotten by the residences... The day when Human has crossed the line against the nature itself...

Dozens of bodies were placed in row at the central plaza of the Monster Kingdom. This place has never been this crowded before...

A wide variety monsters and humans helping eachother out despite the circumstances. Serving food and other necessity for the injured. There's almost single to no hate against the humans that were helping out the refugees. Although some were giving them the stink eyes. They choose to ignore it for now as their priorities is now to help as many as they can.

A small blue slime can be seen bouncing around while handing out bottles containing the country's most potent healing potion.

This is the only thing she can do as of now. Let the adults take care of this fight. It is not her time yet to take matters into her own hands. The thoughts of actually taking ones live made her shudders into her core. But in case things gets messy, she would be ready by then.

Switching back into her human form, a blue long robe, knee long black skirt accompanied by a black kodachi swaying on her hips. The journey of the Slime Princess has started, once again...

「The Slime Princess」

Have you ever thought to yourself, what does it feels like to be reborn? Most people would say it's stupid and there's nothing awaiting us after death, just empty endless void...

Turns out it wasn't true at all... At least when i first woke up in this world, there's literally nothing. Until that person showed me the light.

Mom. The person who gave birth to me. She guides me and teaches me. Along with her friends. I learned a lot of new stuff, seeing their smiling faces everyday always brought warm feeling in my chest.

But now...

That warmth is gone somewhere.

Piles of dead bodies placed in a row in the middle of the once beautiful and prosperous monster country.

That joy and happiness was taken away in an instant. Men, Women, and childrens... Nobody is safe.

My eyes gazed toward a fox lycanthrope kneeling in front of a dead bodies. Accompanied by several hobgoblins. I hope they'll have a better life, somewhere out there...

I had been walking for quite a while by the time I looked ahead. I'm currently standing in front of Shion's corpse. Horn cut down and a slash on her chest. I sat down near her and curled up my legs.

"Shion... If this all never happened... Would everything always stays the same?"

No answers. Sighed to myself for doing something stupid. I should stand up and be at least productive in this dire times. Maybe i should help Gobichi serving food to everyone.

Standing up from the paved road. I walked near the food stand where Gobichi was working. As soon as i arrived there i saw the sights of a big bulky hobgoblin wearing a straw hat cooking for non-stop. Anyone could notice that he was tired and he really need to use some rest.

Gobichi noticed my presence and greeted me.

"L-Lylas-sama, it's such pleasure to see you in here. But as you can see, we're currently a bit busy-"

"Let me help dustributing the foods"


An unexpected answer came out of my mouth. It made them stopped cooking for a few seconds before Gobichi noticed that the he almost overcook the soup and he quickly put the newly cooked soups into a container.

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