Chapter 24: Nostalgic reverie

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With the situation in tempest has finally returned to the way it was. I took a light stroll around the city, it has been a while since I enjoyed such moment of tranquility. Looking back then...

"I've really changed huh..." If it was the me from a year ago I would've already been running around like a child playing, pulling pranks on the goblins and having fun...

Time flies so fast, doesn't it? It feels like just yesterday I was born into this world. Beautiful memories occupy old memories that are now so foreign to me.

It doesn't matter if it was my previous life. I guess it's best to let it go. I used to be a sickly girl who couldn't get out of bed but now life has given me a second chance to live a normal life. Although the standard of normal here is more different than before...

"I'm bored" It's true... I've been wandering around aimlessly. Reading manga with uncle Veldora was fun but it gets boring after a while. I still don't get how he can kept reading them non-stop...

"Wait... This should've been a trip to calm my minds down instead of thinking about confusing things!"

Thinking for a moment, at times like this the things that can fill my free time are between sleeping, eating, playing with Ranga, and...

"Okay, I'm going to see grandpa Hakurou!" I determinedly accelerated my footsteps toward the training grounds because that's the only place you can see him torture his beloved students—Well I am one of his students.

Then I stopped mid tracks...

I am one of his students...

Wait something is off—When was the last time I trained with him? Was it back then during school or was it sometimes before...


I've been slacking off...

He's going to kill me while Gobta and the rest would just laughed at my misery!

"Ho, it's been a while Lylas-sama"

Why of all times!!

"G-Grandp— I mean, Ha-Hakurou-Sensei!" I said sheepishly while trying to avoid his gaze. What is this guilt? I totally feel like a delinquent.

"It's such a coincidence that we're heading towards the training grounds."

"W-Well, you see, I uh... definitely meant to come."

"I know that look, Lylas-sama. Come on, don't be shy. It's been a while since you've practiced, but your body remembers. Let's loosen up with some basic spars." Hakurou chuckled at my statement.

There was no other choice. So, I trailed behind him. I hesitantly steps on the worn path leading into the training grounds. The sunlight dappled through the leaves of the towering trees that encircled the large, open field.

It was a familiar sight, one that brought back a wave of memories—of laughter, determination, sting of missed strikes, and the humiliation...

'oh I give up-tsu...'


A few wooden dummies stood sentinel around the perimeter, silent testaments to our countless training sessions. Though I realized this place seems to be more crowded than usual.

The rhythmic clang of steel on steel rings out across the training ground, punctuated by the occasional grunt or sharp exhale from those who actually trained. Along with that my vision wandered toward the sight of few familiar green hobbits. The four of them were lazying under a tree as usual while sensei is not present.

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