Chapter 5: Incoming Catastrophe

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It's been 2 days since King Gazel leaves this place, He came back this morning giving mom a present, im not sure what's the present though.

But i saw Mom talking to a guy the place where Gabiru and his friends home.

Also, i have grown and Mom said i looked exactly like a 7 year old human right now, as i grow my slime body also increased slowly. According to great sage it'll stop till i reached Mom's size.

Im currently training with the goblins and Hakurou-sensei, let's just say the training went well and oh- forget it!! HIS TRAINING FELT LIKE HELL!!!!

He didn't even gave me a chance to attack! I can't even hit him in the first place! He has no gap Literally...

"Hup" i said as i tried to Dodge his attacks

*Tak!!* Sound of wodden swords clashing

"Hmm, the training is still not enough!!" Hakurou said as he moved his swords faster and faster everytime Lylas succeed to block or dodge his attacks.

'YOU'VE BEEN SAYING THAT FOR HOURS!!' i screamed internally as i avoided his attacks. Somehow his attacks got more intense and intense, can he perhaps read my thoughts by just looking at my expressions?

meanwhile Gobta and the others were still unconciouss after the training they've had before. Poor guy

I got distracted seeing the goblins and I forgot i was still in the middle of training... And the next thing i knew, he hit my head...


"Ouch" i said as i rubbed my head even though i don't feel any pain at all.

Then gobta wokes up and said.

"Sensei your training felt like hell -tsu, why can't you held back -tsu"

Bad move, bad move, you shouldn't have done that

"If i held back more you won't get stronger, and if you kept complaining i willl increase your training by tenfolds!!"

Knew it!

"W-wait -tsu!!"

"Nonsense, Starting from tomorrow you will train harder!!"

Gobta paled and collapsed again after hearing Hakurou's words, i can sense his soul trying to leave his body at the moment.

'Good luck on your Training Gobta' i prayed at gobta.

i noticed Hakurou is still looking at the goblins, as Hakurou-sensei is still distracted at the moment, i tried to sneak my way out.

I sneakily moved my feet and head towards the exit...

"Where do you think you're going, Lylas-sama..." Hakurou-sensei said smiling, it's even scarier than last time!!!

I flinched and said

"Heee i-iiim goin-"

"Hmmm?" He said, rising his eyebrows

'Damn, This old Geezer just doesn't let his students go off that easily!'

I suddenly felt a large energy coming towards this place Hakurou also noticed this.

(Great-sage san, what's with the sudden energy burst!?)

⟨⟨Report: A large surge of energy is going towards this town at an incredible speed, judging from the energy it looks like it belongs to a Chatastrophe class, possibly a Demon lord⟩⟩

(A demon lord?)

⟨⟨Answer: A Demon Lord is a-⟩⟩

(Wait wait wait, i don't need that information right now!!)

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